Flowering Nutrients???


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm one week into flowering and I'm looking to get some more nutrients to help my yield. I was wondering if using just molasses with floramicro and florabloom is enough or do I need to buy other additives like bud blood.

Also, my ph has been my biggest problem as my meters have been unreliable. Can I use ph perfect in a soil grow?

Furthermore, do ONA pucks work well or is ona gel a better option.


Active Member
The pros are quiet on here so nubies just dont answer, or answer wrong. Im doing Foxfarms ocean forst and nutes and just picked up Big Bud, the hydro guy recomended over FF solubles .


Well-Known Member
On the ona question i find the gel is better, the puck dries up and isn't all the way used up like the gel gets. I use the blue pro version and no smells from my cabinet.


Well-Known Member
I use ONA Pro Block and it works as complete odor control for me. I just leave it outside the grow room


Active Member
if your soil is balanced well enough you shouldnt have to worry about ph. get a local mix or happy frog with dolomitic lime(natural and for ph adjustment) and ph will always be 6.5 :)


Active Member
oh and as far as nutes go i have been using nothing other than "G.O." (general organics) box from general hydroponics. You get PLENTY of QUALITY nutrients that will feed alot of plants. These nutes are all vegan except for the bottle of processed squid so i think that alone makes it better than all others. All plants/strains seem to love this stuff. The smell/color/size whatever will really flourish with these.

I have some lemon kush, blueberry, blue cheese a few others but basically i have both sativas and indicas and i feed them every 5 days instead of every week as recommended on the box. Also on each bottle it explains how much for a light and heavy feeding so you can adjust each nute to your specific need VERY easily.

Heres a quick scenario lets say you want to keep 500 ppm but you need more nitrogen. Instead of normal feeding of processed squid go for light feeding of it and heavy of the bio weed. Basically if you have your nutes split into 7 or 8 different bottles vs 2 or 3 well you have just "a little" more control over what the plant recieves and when.

Seriously though i have my tent overcrowded to increase probability of female to ensure a harvest(cannot medically afford to have 0 females) with 8 plants under a 400w light. they vegged to about 16-20"s in a month. I could point out each strain by smell and its only veg..just started flower cycle like an hour ago :) so who knows what itll smell like when u add a few oz in there :hug:

To top the whole thing off you can pick up the whole box for like $30 so i mean if you look at the pros: cheap, healthy, organic(keep in mind its going to your lungs,blood,head,etc.), well balanced, hard to burn and more..idk why anyone wouldnt atleast try em to see for theirself. Its a very good product for beginners(easy to use) and experts(can fine tune the feeding schedules and ratios of nutes) so it doesnt matter how long youve been doing this you should try em out


Gee I actually got some valuable information here. More people need to post the "hows" of what they are doing. Alot of people just assume you know how much of this or that to use. Appreciate the tips.


Active Member
Gee I actually got some valuable information here. More people need to post the "hows" of what they are doing. Alot of people just assume you know how much of this or that to use. Appreciate the tips.

Good to hear somebody is researching and learning :) and i agree. Personal experience and details eliminates the possibilities/unknowns/questions etc. No problem thats what most of us are here for. I understand what its like to NEED a medical harvest.