Flowering nutrients day 15 12/12 plz help

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
I need help bout nutrients. I use 5ml(half-dose) Bird Guano Liquid and Stimulant for Potplants with vitamin b1 with microelements and N-3,8%/P(P2O5)-7.6%/K(K20)7.8%/Cu-0.02% again 5ml(again half-dose).Should I increase nute-dosage?Should I add New Nutrients?I've heard bout molasses do a lot of work but i find it difficult to find this product in my country so is there any substitute to that : I've got Brown Sugar and Honey (very dark almost black both liquid and crystalized ).I've heard also that fan-leaves are putting buds into shadow and they dont reach full potencial.I think its a bad idea to cut them although i've read some post saying is the right thing to do. Can just do fan-leaves disposition them ,is it a good idea to tie them so they touch the stem and do not cause shadow on lower buds ? I do not want to stress my plants i'm going for maximum quality.How often should i add nutrients?
ive pinched off all the huge fan leaves that prevent the lower branches from receiving light. I haven't had any bad experience with it yet. besides, the less extraneous plant material the plant has to feed the more it will feed the buds instead. i would say just get rid of the fan leaves because if you do it too much the plant will think its stressed and create hermie banana pollen sacks. and we dont want no hermies!