flowering nutes question


hey all, how goes it? so i was wanting to use some ff tiger bloom, but i can not buy it in my area, it is just not available. so i was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion on what else i could use, my babies started to flower 2 days ago, and i have been on the hunt for ff nutes since i planted with no luck. so if anyone has any info and experience with some comparable to the tiger bloom i'd love to hear about it, otherwise im affraid i'll have to head to home depot and just get some good ole miricle grow. thanks for reading everyone.


ive thought about going organic, but i just dont have the time, and really cant afford it, plus, ive read up on the benefits on both organic and chem. nutes and from what i have read, i believe that i will get a much better yield, with a much higher quality. i have looked into fox farms and advanced nutes, niether are available in my area. so im gonna take a look around home depot and lowes and see what i can come up with, if anyone has any experience with nutes bought from these store please let me know, i really want to get something on them today, oh and by the way, i have been using mollases in my water for about a month now, but i know that is not enough.