Flowering - newbie help.


I am a newbie and just wanted to know a few things, i have heard you can make plant's start to flower at any time with the light ratio, from 18:6 to 12:12 but how high does the plant need to grow before i do actually start to flower? would 6/7 inch high with 3/4 (3 grown nodes, 1 new small one) be ok to flower? and if so does the plant still grow and get bigger?
one last final thing, if it's 6/7 inch high now and i decide to flower, what would an average yield be?


New Member
You can flower once the first leaves show. Or you can flower in 5 months. If your plant is 7" expect it to grow to 15-21"


Active Member
you have to give the plant 12/12 to start flowering, it has to be 12 hours of darkness to flower if you where to start the 12/12 now it probs wouldnt flower at that size but it would continue to grow then flower when it was mature enough, no one will ever be able to tell you the average yeild it varys so much, a plant usualy doubles some times triples in size during flowering


:) sounds good
i am planning on forcing her into flowering today, i have just re-potted into a bigger pot, would this have any affects if i start the flowering stage now?
thanks people.


Active Member
:) sounds good
i am planning on forcing her into flowering today, i have just re-potted into a bigger pot, would this have any affects if i start the flowering stage now?
thanks people.

not that i know of, many people use a 12/12 light pattern straight from seed as this keeps the plants small