Flowering length and time question...


Active Member
I was just wondering if I had a 6 week old plant that had been flowering for 3 of those weeks, and was previously in Veg for 3 weeks, at what point should I be expecting the hairs to turn color, and in a more general way, could someone explain what they generally see each week in flowering up to the end? I don't know at what point I should flush it because I don't know how many weeks are left.


Well-Known Member
Patience, my friend. You've likely got at least a month to go. The longer your bud-let hairs stay white, the more you'll get. You don't 'expect' the hairs to change . . . they just do . . . the timing would also be genetic.
There are examples of bud progress all over these forums. It seems the flushers flush a couple of weeks before harvest ie:week 5- 6-7? It really depends on the buds maturity.
I'd likely start flushing when 30-40% of the hairs have turned, maybe a little earlier for a higher high . . . later for a more couch-like buzz.


Well-Known Member
what MrFishy said ... if gardening teaches us nothing - it teaches us patience.

You start the "flowering time" from when you switch to 12/12. So your plants have been flowering for 3 weeks. Most weed takes 8-12 weeks to finish flowering. So you have at least a month's wait.


Well-Known Member
oh damn. I should have known, my perspective on time has gone awry. Thanks for the replys.
it goes something like this...
plant seed <- wretched wait until leaves appear
Leaves appear <- yippee
Nothing happens seemingly forever <- another wretched wait
Plant explodes with growth <- yippee
Switch to 12/12
Another long stretch of nothing <- yet another wretched wait
The excitement of sexing <-you miss this excitement if you are growing clones
Buds appear <- yippee
The longest wait ever - worse than being a kid on christmas eve and it last for months!!!

Finally harvest day arrives - then you start manicuring - what a drag that is and then you have to dry it (another wait) and then cure it (another wait)!!!

eventually you do get to smoke it and you know what? It is so worth it that you can't wait to start another crop!


Well-Known Member
I think some of the best advice given and received is to make sure you have enough weed to smoke for your whole first grow so you aren't jonesing the whole damn time!