flowering in canada?

I'm going to grow outdoors at my cottage and im planning on planting this weekend. It's a few hours north of toronto and i want to know when i should expect them to be ready for harvest. And also, would it be fine if i left my plants for a week or two unattended?


im not exactly sure when you should start it in Canada what i suggest you should get on google and look up Canada photoperiods and see when the photo periods switch to flowering. for an outdoor strain i would recomend 8-9-1/2 weeks for veg than the same for flowering. as for you leaving them i suggest making sure that they are stable plants and not just seed to ground. if you do seed to ground it could end up with insects eating them so yeah if you dont got insect problems than badass. so yeah back to your leaving them a few weeks. i suggest getting your plants in the ground than taking 1 or 2 gallon jugs and poke 1-2 small needle holes so it slowly drips, it should last a while, you could benefit by adding some hydrotin around the plant and in the dirt it will retain moisture. hope this helps anything else feel free to ask.


Well-Known Member
They would probably be ready around the middle of October.Leaving them alone?.....depends on the weather...If it was like last summer (wet) then yeah....but what if you get a real dry summer.


If you read my upper post my solution answers your dry question. poke a few small needle holes in a gallon jug do two of those should drip for a while i think it will last about 1 week for 1 gallon so get yourself a nice container and you wont have any issues


Misguided Angel
October is always my outdoor harvesting month, I am a few provinces west of you. I usually try to have them in the ground by May long or just after and I have never ran past october. As for leaving them unattended for a week or two, depends on the weather. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it don't. If it looks like it's going to be dry out you can always give them a bit of extra water before you go, and on the flip side if it looks like it is going to be rainy, don't water them. I have left plants alone for a week or two on more than one occasion and have never had any problems.