Flowering: How long can it take ?


Active Member
So i was just wondering what is the longest a plant can take to flower ?
ATM i have 2 plants just bag seed that have been in flower 11-12 weeks now and they dont look anywhere near ready to me so i just wanted a ruff idea if it could be 14 weeks or is it going to be like 17 -18 ?


Well-Known Member
14 should be the max you'll experience. you say it looks nowhere near ready @ 12 weeks? must be some equatorial strain... super skinny leaves? those jungle strains can be a real pain in the ass to grow.
another possibility is that your not getting enough light intensity. that can delay maturation big time.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Original Haze is the longest flowering strain we know of, lasting for over 110 days of 12/12. That's flowered properly. Problems can increase flowering time.


Well-Known Member
I had an Alaskan Ice that went 114 days in flower but I've heard there has been a lot of problems with that strain.

Brick Top

New Member
Original Haze is the longest flowering strain we know of, lasting for over 110 days of 12/12. That's flowered properly. Problems can increase flowering time.

Here are a few that are longer:

2046 - 115 days
Conquistador - 120 days
Double Thai - 126 days
Green Haze X Thai - 119 days
Haze - 120 days
Mekong Haze - 126 days
Neville's Haze - 112 days
Pure Haze - 150 days
Purple Haze X Thai - 126 days
Sri Lankan Ganja - 120 days
Vietnam Tourist Hemp - 150 days


heres some pics light shouldnt be a problem there under a 600w hps
Hmm its looking like 2 or 3 more weeks but hard to say. To be honest, in a few of the pics I can see a heavy haze influence. Try reducing the light cycle to 11/13 or even 10/14 to see if you can speed the process. SHould be premium smoke