flowering help with 2 plants


you guys think you're being funny but alllll you're doing is pushing people away from this site. very helpful site with lots of cool people. thank you to the people who have helped me so far.

100w/6100 lumens on the plants now. there are no shady areas now. this will be it as far as "more light" goes. thank you again to the cool people who actually tried helping.


also i find it funny that the people who think that they are funny, are the people who have thousands of posts on here... :/


Well-Known Member
also i find it funny that the people who think that they are funny, are the people who have thousands of posts on here... :/
Well if you hang around here long enough you need develop a sense of humor.

I was just making a joke, sorry if it offended you, it was not meant that way.

seth gibson

New Member
How about you reflect the light you have. A white sheet of paper taped to your wall at least. One member on this sight recommends cutting a pringles can and using inside as reflective material. I did that to wrap around my plants container when in cups to reflect, you could wrap it around your light to reflect. Or zero your light in on your top kolas for the rest of the run and let the bottom just survive off the scraps.
How about you reflect the light you have. A white sheet of paper taped to your wall at least. One member on this sight recommends cutting a pringles can and using inside as reflective material. I did that to wrap around my plants container when in cups to reflect, you could wrap it around your light to reflect. Or zero your light in on your top kolas for the rest of the run and let the bottom just survive off the scraps.
New grower here also. But this info seems legit that Seth said. If it were me, I would've lst'd the plants in veg and maybe focus on harvesting 1 plant next time so that plant can get full light absorption.


Well-Known Member
New grower here also. But this info seems legit that Seth said. If it were me, I would've lst'd the plants in veg and maybe focus on harvesting 1 plant next time so that plant can get full light absorption.

Or get more light.

Sorry but its not like Ppl. try to scare you away, or is bulling new Ppl. actually on the contrary, they just see your biggest flaw right away (too little light) and try to tell you, but its like talking to deaf ears, why Ppl. begin to make fun out of it

My best advice is still to get more light, one way or the other, do as some of the CLF "nerds" and plaster that closed in 23W CFLs (and do yourself a favor, do a bit of read up on Kelvin and light spectrums for plants) or get a small HID or LED panel, or all your effort and time will just end up in a few grams of flimsy bud

But I guess your one of them Ppl. who have to see for them self, fair enough, but no matter how many times you ask the questions in here you will get the same answers, more light, even if we give up in the end and tells you its fine, it won't changes that MJ is a light loving/demanding plant and will need high levels of light (the correct light) to thrive and reward your time and effort

best of Luck


Well-Known Member
r zero your light in on your top kolas for the rest of the run and let the bottom just survive off the scraps.

That sounds like your best option adhaze. Also the mower lights response was funny dude. You gotta smoke and laugh that one off.


Well-Known Member
also i find it funny that the people who think that they are funny, are the people who have thousands of posts on here... :/
You don't have to post if you can't handle the comments. RIU has great growers (SlipOn, LGC, AimAIM, Skunk) that spend the time sharing their knowledge with newbs like you. Don't hate. They're not being funny, they're telling you how to grow bigger better plants, knucklehead.


You don't have to post if you can't handle the comments. RIU has great growers (SlipOn, LGC, AimAIM, Skunk) that spend the time sharing their knowledge with newbs like you. Don't hate. They're not being funny, they're telling you how to grow bigger better plants, knucklehead.
i can handle the comments dad. thanks for looking out for me.


You don't have to post if you can't handle the comments. RIU has great growers (SlipOn, LGC, AimAIM, Skunk) that spend the time sharing their knowledge with newbs like you. Don't hate. They're not being funny, they're telling you how to grow bigger better plants, knucklehead.
and i think i've stated already that this is my first grow and i'm not looking to grow the biggest and bestest everest plants because, eh.. i'm a first time grower. it is just experimenting and constantly telling me over and over again that I NEED MOAR LIGHT LOL isn't going to make me change my mind. I thanked the people who actually helped! And now, I'm getting frustrated with anonymous people on the internet even though all I wanted in the first place was just some friendly advice for me, a friendly grower. The last thing this thread needs is another referee.

you're dead right. RIU has great growers. and they're not funny.


Well-Known Member
you haven't helped at all! all you've done is complained about me. i ask for advice on the grow and i'm new to all this. clearly you're not and i've summed up about 7 pages of crap on the other thread along with some new info and new photos to one post which is shown above.

and i said please don't tell me i need more light as i've had 7 pages of people telling me that already. this is an experiment for a first time grower
OMFG! How many times do we have to tell you MORE LIGHT!!!!

And that IS advise, quit bitching.


Well-Known Member
:lol: What kind of advice were you expecting....? They look healthy to me, just small from lack of light. That's probably why everyone is saying you need more light..... Because that's the only thing "wrong" with it.


Well-Known Member
OP - you should reconsider leaving this site. It really is full of terrific information, and full of helpful and knowledgeable growers.

Unfortunately, as with most internet forums, you'll be on the receiving end of flippant comments from time to time. The trick is to not bite back too hard, and to ignore the comments which you find unhelpful and/or irritating.

In your case, the general consensus is for you to add more light to your grow environment to maximise the potential of your final product. You have two choices: add more light or don't add more light. The advice remains sound, however, and how you choose to proceed with your grow is ultimately up to you. If you ask for help or advice and you receive it, I feel it's slightly poor form to be dismissive of the people offering it to you.

Good luck.


OP with 4 pages of people telling u the same thing i think u can guess what u need to do bud and agree with above this place really is a great site