Flowering going so slow

If you are not using flowing nutrients the plant's will look behind,Why don't you give it what it need's,at 4 week into flowering the plant should be near it's stretch period,i use the same nutrients through out canna a/b coco,but it is really important that you hit the plants with a pk spike get some pk 13/14 and use it for a week,then if it was my grow i would then go over to over drive from advanced just because you have missed out on the pk spike during the first 4 week,next time get some big bud for weeks 2/4.

Have you kept them on the veg nutrients for a reason,money shortage,is the only reason i can think why any grower would do this kind of thing or has a test,to see what happen's ,but then if it was a test then you would have other plants on the right nute line.Get them on pk dude like i said then hit them with over drive,ec 1.5 during the pk stage then up to 1.6 when you add the overdrive .

The day you put them on 12/12 off 7 days later they are 1 week into flowering and so on,good luck hope all goes well.

peace tyke
uh.. as soon as you flip to 12/12 that is day one, not 7-14 days in where the hell did you learn that from..
Pretty common practice, don't know what's wierd. I start count when pistils start showing. I do this because it puts my flowering time a lot closer to what the breeders say it is... coincidence I think not. I'm not gonna assume hormonal responses are instant or even occuring on the faster side of what's actually recorded.

If you ask me in real life, there's four stages to me. Quarantine (7-21 days) or Seedling (14-20 days), veg, purgatory (5-15 days for hormonal changes and other processes), then flower. If you consider "purgatory" most strains are actually very near the breeder predictions.
Pretty common practice, don't know what's wierd. I start count when pistils start showing. I do this because it puts my flowering time a lot closer to what the breeders say it is... coincidence I think not. I'm not gonna assume hormonal responses are instant or even occuring on the faster side of what's actually recorded.

If you ask me in real life, there's four stages to me. Quarantine (7-21 days) or Seedling (14-20 days), veg, purgatory (5-15 days for hormonal changes and other processes), then flower. If you consider "purgatory" most strains are actually very near the breeder predictions.
Course everyone thinks I do wierd things.

Feeding less more often.
Watering two to three times as often as recommended.
Using two to three times the recommended amount of perlite.
Not phing.
An aversion to phosphate heavy plant food during flower.

I do what works for me. The highest wattage I've used is about 650w of conversion metal halide. I've successfully gotten springtails which was a goal. I've yielded average to above average gpw, consistently, with above average quality and taste, all while learning. I experiment constantly, sometimes with detrimental results. But its what works for me.

I don't understand why or how counting when pistils start would make all strains 12 weeks. Can you explain with some followable logic?