Flowering for Sex


I had to put a batch of clones on 12/12 because I had a male or two get mixed into the batch. So, I had flowered for about 2-3 weeks and discovered the males. Now I've been running the lights on 24 to get the girls back in veg mode. My question is, how long will it take to get them back in veg mode?

luvvin growin

Active Member
usually doesnt work that way.Out of my exp.,once you've flowered(especially that long),you have to kkep going.The stress put on the plant is usually too much to bear to re veg them.But,I have been wrong b4

luvvin growin

Active Member
glad to hear that,never had much exp. with the reveg.,when I did,it just stressed it,glad to know it can be done


Well-Known Member
it totally stresses it -- the 2-3 weeks is recovery

can be done, but i would only do it if i have to :)