Flowering Early?


I got a clone from a medical club June 21st. Not sure how old she was, but she was small.. anyways, she's been outside full time, and it seems she's flowering already?? WTF. lol here are some pics, please tell me I'm wrong. or if she is, what can I do, is there something I can do to get her back to veg? she's to small for flowering, AND,,, what can I do (Perferably organic) to get her to grow taller? she hasn't grown but an inch since we got her.
Haha, I almost forgot, although I think you can see the sticker in the pic, but she's the Harlequin strain.



Active Member
To throw that bitch out of flower and back in veg, throw her under a 24h light source. This should also stimulate it to start growing again within a few days under that light. Keep it under that light untill it gets bigger and then throw it outside after its returned to growing.

Seen it done many times but its just my 2 cents.

As for some nutes! Look up "Age Old Grow" made by Age Old Organics. Its great stuff! NPK of 12-6-6. me and all my friends use it, they grow outside and get like 6-9ft tall plants with 2lbs or so off each!

And for blooming they got Age Old Bloom aswell! Check it out.
Is it getting 18 hours of direct sunlight everyday? If not, that could be your problem, clones from clubs are sexually mature and ready to flower so if they are not getting enough light they will flower.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf:

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Is it getting 18 hours of direct sunlight everyday? If not, that could be your problem, clones from clubs are sexually mature and ready to flower so if they are not getting enough light they will flower.
Plants outdoors are good with 6 hours of sunlight..
Where the hell did you get 18 from? Thats indoors.
Well yeah they are good with 6 hours of light, they will begin to flower and have small buds with 6 hours of light. He wants the plant to veg obviously and not flower, so it needs a longer period of light indoor or out.

:leaf:BC's Finest:leaf: