flowering cfl question


Active Member
can my plants flower with 6500k on 12/12 if so when do they show there sex they have been on 12/12 for 6 days
or do they need 2700k what are they helpful for?


Well-Known Member
u need to get 2700k for flowering....you can throw in th 6500ks too but u need the 2700k


Well-Known Member
when u switch the like to 12/12 they will flower...but if u dont have the proper Kelvin (2700) ur plants wont produce


Active Member
i put them on 12/12 6 or 7 days ago when should they show flowers
i added a 2700 today il add more as it needs them
i just want to know if it will flower with out them

first timer 2626

Well-Known Member
anyone else got any answers
Im not sure if it wont flower at all with 2,700k's or not, but I have seen all through this site people growing with all kinds of different spectrums (2,700k,3,000k,3,500k,6,500k...) I have read that 2,700k's for flowering and 6,500k's for vegg..

Me, personally Ihave used 2,700k's through out my whole 8 week of vegging and everything seems to be going good.. Im adding 4 2,700k's this week for flowering because that seems to be th correct light for fall (flowering time)..
If you could put some 2,700's in the mix with what you already have..

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
2,700 and 6,500 are just the main light spectrums the bulb emits. They got a pretty wide spectrum so it will help, just would be less efficient.


Active Member
They all will work BUT the MOST USEABLE VIEWABLE light spectrum's are 6500-5500K for Veg and 2200-2700 for flower..OPTIMAL.Will the other work yea JUST HOW WELL?


Active Member
I had some seeds that took just over 4 weeks to show any signs of flowering under 600 hps. So everyone says what they say about the lights, but it might and might not be your lighting. It could just be it takes that long for them to flower, the strain you have.


Well-Known Member
A quick transition into bloom phase requires a proper nutrient change and of course, the lights.

Bloom nutrient mixes should have more Potassium and Phosphorus and less Nitrogen, as opposed to your veg mix which would have more Nitrogen.

Your lights should be in the 2200-2700K range ideally, but YES they will still flower under 6500K...it just won't work very well. As in, you might yield 7g or something like that.


Active Member
thanks eveyone so they will flower?
once they show there females i will buy the 2700k i dont feel like buying them if there all males since i invest most my cash on my outdoor monsters


Well-Known Member
A quick transition into bloom phase requires a proper nutrient change and of course, the lights.

Bloom nutrient mixes should have more Potassium and Phosphorus and less Nitrogen, as opposed to your veg mix which would have more Nitrogen.

Your lights should be in the 2200-2700K range ideally, but YES they will still flower under 6500K...it just won't work very well. As in, you might yield 7g or something like that.
7 G's ? well we'll see about that!


Well-Known Member
you can get full spectrum lights ...but for Veg they need BLUE for FLOWER They need soft orange or red(red is the best). IT will flower under 6500 but you are not giving it the light it needs to produce full buds.

honestly if you are going to put that much effort into growing get as much as you can.. 2700's aren't that expensive.. you can get a pack of 4 for like 10.00