flowering at 12/12 is this the only way?


Active Member
Hi, I'm on my first evr grow and things are looking good..i've been on 12/12 flowering for 7-8 weeks and all the pistons are white not even looking at turning...

my questions are

1. will turning the light to 14hours darkness speed up the finishing process?

2.is there much growth(extra yield) in the last week or two?

any help from you pro's would be appreciated.
Hi, I'm on my first evr grow and things are looking good..i've been on 12/12 flowering for 7-8 weeks and all the pistons are white not even looking at turning...

my questions are

1. will turning the light to 14hours darkness speed up the finishing process?

2.is there much growth(extra yield) in the last week or two?

any help from you pro's would be appreciated.

you need more light period for it to build its material as in to say and dark period will help it grow and plants grow faster in the dark period and heres a hint for your next grow , when you decide to switch to 12/12 keep the light off for 24-36 hours and that will knock off 2-3 weeks max and give it a boost start for flowering and makes it happen way faster. and less light and more dark wont speed anything up it will just stress the plant ..
cool...thanks for the quick response.

i have been feeling like theres not as much as there should be, dont get me wrong the top buds are about 3"tall and 2" wide with plenty of small buds very small buds further down.. the packet advised me 45-55 days flower, i'm on day 56.. and because of the packet i have been feeding them only water for the last 2 weeks. i hope this wont be a factor. clearly there is more time left and fingers crossed they get a bit fatter at least..

p.s. point taken- will stick to 12/12. many thanks