Flowering a 4 month old supercropped tree/DWC/600W Dual arc HPS/MH combo light

Fire One Up

Active Member
Silver Haze

Discussion thread for your questions, comments, etc at:

She's about 4 feet tall from the bucket, 3 feet wide from the back and 4 feet wide across. I didn't even try to count all her tops.
This is day 4, and where I'll start posting updates.
Neuts are GH advanced, res is a 5 gallon bucket with a 3.5 gallon inside of it, and the plants in a 10 inch netpot in the 3.5 gallon. It's fed air from the veg room by a 15 dollar walmart dual air pump with a 6 inch blue 1.25 airstone.
All my pics ended up sucking so here's the best 3. The room itself is only 4.5 by 5 so its hard to get in there and take a photo when the plant takes up dang near the whole thing.
I started supercropping this one at about a foot tall, stems about half as thick as my wrist.



Active Member

im sorry :mrgreen:
seriously, what was the plan with this one?
i hope you get it to finish.
either way its gonna have a worse 1000 yard stare then a Nam Vet.

Fire One Up

Active Member
you mean why's she so friggen huge?
my plant cycle revolves around how much I can harvest vs what my patients and I can use legally, so I like to get a few huge ones going and harvest the smaller ones every now and then. This sucker and her two sisters are taking up half my room now, so being the smallest its going in first, then the second smallest. That should give me plenty of buds and time for the cuttings I'm taking tomorrow to get huge too ;)

Fire One Up

Active Member
some basic math tells me this
15c per KWH (ish)
12KWH per day
2$ a day
120 days
I drop that easy every time I hit a dispensary ;)
edit -
put up a couple more photos. I'll update it again when I get some hairs worth photographing. I put her in here 4 days ago and she's got long white hairs on the tips already but its only a couple on each

Fire One Up

Active Member
Great to have ya :)
Today I got out there and counted growing tops. There are 32 growing tips reaching for the light right now ;)
my digi doesn't have a good enough zoom for me to get up close, so I'm looking for a better cam to borrow at the moment to get some pics of the first pre flowers.
Once my battery charges I'll head back over to the op and get some pics of the ventilation and filter, and if I can hopefully the pre flowers.


Active Member
Man. My buddy was stuck in a situation like this and ended up pulling a large final crop. I see you're supercropping, so there's need to advise you of anything; You're right on track for a large harvest.


Active Member
i still dont understand ....just seems like a huge waste ....but .............
Agreed! Im sorry but your super crop looks like a tangled tramp. Did you think of how your going to circulate air in all that MESS. Both of them look sickly. Anyone can supercrop, but most that do actually control the growth. It looks like you topped the shit outta it not knowing what you were doing and now your stuck with a tangled mess. Light isnt going to penetrate more than a foot deep so you wasted the bottom 2/3rds of the plant. I understand your reasoning behind it due to number you can have while actually being legal but CMON dude, really? Check out my avatar. 50 day old mothers. each will have roughly 20 colas. everything more than 18 inches from the tops is shaved. Had i trained them the first 2 weeks of bloom that number could have doubled if not tripled. I would almost bet I harvest just as much if not more even though you have a 3-4 week longer flower time and 4 months of veg. btw Im only reffering to one of my mothers for harvest not both.

Fire One Up

Active Member
lol it does look pretty messy but it isn't so bad, I just don't prune anything so its a big leafy bush ;) the thickest stems go in a big C shape horizontally, and since I just wanted clones off the largest one the rest were just in case the shit hit the fan with some bugs or my exhaust died and the main crop died or something. I supercropped them more with 'down' in mind than anything, and all the lower stuff is just little side branches that I'm not too worried about. I could prune it and make it pretty, but cutting bottom leaves off isn't going to shed any more light on my nuggs, so I'm not bothering.
they were in an open room before, but up on a table in a similar setup as these buckets so 4 feet was as high as I wanted them to go, and 6 feet was the tallest they could possibly have gone or I'd have had to attach my light to the ceiling. I figured as long as there's light coming through to the floor under the plant there's no reason not to weave the branches around eachother and let them tie eachother down. Alot of the biggest branches are in the nooks of where I cropped a smaller branch over on top of it to keep it from standing up and getting at the lights. the plants top is in the far left corner of the room, and the main 4 branches are parallel to it.
I found out that even tho they're on the same property I can get into trouble for growing in 2 different buildings so I built this in the same building as my main grow for a mom hut.
Originally the room in my house had 6 plants all seperate from the main grow just in case I got bugs or something horrible happened. Other than sexing them I've only ever taken clones off the one on the right hand photo of the two other plants, and the other 5 were just sharing space (2 150w HPS). the first 3 were off the same plant and these 3 are off another.
There's no room in the main op now that I've taken clones again and since I'm only 1 under my max plant count I'm just keeping the largest of the silver haze. Then I can start new moms from attitude when they get here and get some variety. I'd have put 2 in the room at the same time, but the other one I want to flower is the one I've already half chopped up taking clones, so I'm going to give her some time to recover from the cuttings before I move her in, then the last and largest one is going to be the keeper.


Active Member
Ok Im not quoting your whole message but I do wanna point a couple things out to you. First and foremost biggest is not always the best. you are really going to deminish that plant if you leave all the side/lower branching on. They are not just a bunch of leaves. Every node has a bud site. With that many you really are going to take away from the quality and could take away from quantity. Weather those nodes are getting light or not they are still going to try and produce flowers. This takes away energy.

With the way you have her bushed and tangled in some places you may have a problem with mold due to lack of air circulation. Your also basically making her strangle herself.

And lastly. Your mother should be your best pheno. She's for taking clones. You should be worried about quality and not quanity. Since you only get a few plants there is no reason for a mother that big. Dank, strong, healthy nugs go alot further than weak over produced ones. This is my opinion though.

Fire One Up

Active Member
I have 35 plants atm counting clones.
Look fellas, if you wanna watch thats cool but the journals about this plant. Take a seat and see what happens ;)
if it turns out shitty the end of the journal will be about making hash ;)


Well-Known Member
You could achieve alot higher yield if you pruned the crap out of it, Take off the bottom 1/3 and all the dying fan leaves and even if you don't need any more clones I would prune alot of the branches that are tangled.

As others stated, bigger doesn't necessarily mean better. If you leave it the way it is the plant will focus alot of it's energy towards small popcorn bud and sites that don't recieve enough light but with a big trim job you are more likely to pull off a bunch of giant colas. GL.