Flowering 3.5 weeks, blue moonshine need advise.


Well-Known Member
I have a Dj short blue moonshine and I want to know if I should cut the lower fan leaves and lower budsites that dont see any light at all off. I trimmed all the lower growth the day that I saw the first signs of sex and she ended up growing all of it back. I dont want a lot of loose buds at the bottom, i want it all to go to the colas. So I guess my question is can I remove the bottom 1/3 of the plant or will she stress too bad.



Well-Known Member
trim a little but dont go silly and bend some out the way to get light to the buds, looking good dude...well done you ;-)


Well-Known Member
trim a little but dont go silly and bend some out the way to get light to the buds, looking good dude...well done you ;-)

Thanks man, I have been debating on doing some trimming again because the last time I trimmed it seemed like the plant didnt stress at all, if anything I think it gave it more vigor. Blue moonshine is a very hardy strain and it has been taking well to all my techniques unlike other strains I have grown. I really would like to trim just mainly the growth that I show in the pic below.


Well-Known Member
ye will be fine ........ keep up the good work and love them girls ;-)
I trust your oppinion and thank you very much for the compliments, but I would also like to see what other members of RIU think, should I trim or shouldn't I that is the question.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of leaving on the lower fan leaves and just removing those tiny budsites that will never fully develop, the fan leaves will eventually fall off and die because of lack of light, and if not I will remove them after I give the plant a few days to heal from taking those budsites off.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2042492WWBIG.jpghmm, i have a question along these lines too and figure ill ask here instead of starting a new thread. i have a node that is at the base of my stem and it is a good 4 inches below the first set of fan leaves. should i cut it to focus growth on upper nodes that are looking great? it will definitely get a lot of growth im only 9 days into 12/12 and this pic here is about 3 or 4 days after 12/12 but its just to give an idea of where that node is


I always trim the lower branches, I call them suckers-just like with a tree. They don't get enough light and the buds are really not worth it. I would rather have all that energy go to the upper branches and the cola. So I trim just the little stuff at the bottom of each plant when I put it in the flower.