flowerbed help


Active Member
Looking to build a large 10x6 flowerbed. What would be the best mix to use in it as far as soil or soilless mixture. I am wanting to get the max yield out for it and plan on using 2 1000watt lights on a light mover. I also plan on growing auto AK's. How many could i put is this area ?

Green Giant84

Active Member
I've red that u can put 10-12 plants on a 1000w and for yield it all depends on witch strain u grow and perfect growing conditions but if your going the autoflowering rout your not gonna get nomore then 1-1 1/2 Oz per plants. With that size bed and u going the auto rout u can put alot more plants under those light.

Fox Farm Ocean Forrest is wat I would recommend for soil but with that size bed it would be pretty exspensive so too keep a lil $$$ in your pocket go with Miracle Grow Organic Potting Soil. If u go the soilless grow go with CoCo Coir!! :weed:

Good luck and put sum pic up when started.

Green Giant84

Active Member
I've never done 12/12 from the start but I do know the longer u veg the more budding sites u get witch means more yeild. Alot of seed banks give u a good idea of how much a strain will produce but it still depends on growing conditions, nutrients and strain. 12/12 from the start takes a long time too!!!!


Active Member
advanced micro grow bloom, big bud, overdrive, pirahna, voodoo juice, superthrive, mollassis, CO2, Nirvanna AK47 fem seeds, light mover, 2 1000w lights. multiple fans and a large 8000BTU AC unit. I think thats all.


Active Member
Well first its going to be hard to get "huge yield" with that big of space and a that little amount of light. yes they are on movers which does help but i would switch to running a 3x10 area still using the mover just use half the room lights end to end. since you said dirt you can run a SOG(sea of green lots of small plants generally 1 cola) or SCOG(Screen of green which is still quite a few plants with a mesh laid over them) or you could do bushes with topping and some LST(low stress training).
I would go with LSTing and topping for 2-4 colas. Run them in 20 gallon pots and run about 2 wide and 10 long so 20 plants.
but with the Autos I would just use both light stationary put them all in 3-5 gallon pots and just use them up and get other reg or fem seeds started for when those finish this way you can LST and top them and get a long veg in and yield a bit more.
thats just me Im no pro

Green Giant84

Active Member
Scrog is for peoeple with tight growing spaces and SOG may works but with that much space u should be using it all and going the sog rout my take too many plant to get a medium size yeild. So if grow a strain that already gives of BIG yeilds like a Big Bud or Skunk Kush in 3 gallon pot with a good veg to atleast 1' 1/2" u can get a good 3oz per plant. I'm getting a good 2 Oz off my grows and I'm using 2 gallon square pots under a 400watter.