Flower room was left open. Any porblems?


Well-Known Member
My car broke down at the golf course and I didn't get home until late. The door to my flower room was left open for four hours past shut off and light from my veg. room was leaking in. I have plants at all stages of flowering. What kind of problems can I expect if any?


Well-Known Member
My Opinion:
Like a 'Full Moon' plants get a little extra light once in a while...
Don't worry...


Well-Known Member
I've had that happen with no problems but I have a question for u guys.....what about your lights going out when they should be on ? Happened once last week & again this morning...I woke up & bulb was cold so it had been off for a while....strain=G13 pineapple express...I would have just left the lights off but both times it still had over 6 hours to go..plant is in 2nd week of flower...thanx


Active Member
Maintaining a dark period is more important than finishing the light period. If that happens again I'd suggest just making it a solid 24 hours of dark. When you turn the light back on for 6 hours you're giving it 18/6 but thankfully the flowering hormones are in full effect and it takes more than that to get it to revert. You might risk forcing the plant to hermie from general stress but I've never personally experienced this because everything is cleanly automated in my room.

I've had that happen with no problems but I have a question for u guys.....what about your lights going out when they should be on ? Happened once last week & again this morning...I woke up & bulb was cold so it had been off for a while....strain=G13 pineapple express...I would have just left the lights off but both times it still had over 6 hours to go..plant is in 2nd week of flower...thanx


Well-Known Member
Thanx....I know I need another light system. Planned on it but my PE grew a bit faster than I intended & must be flowered now because of space issues so I'm using the 1 light to flower 2 seperate grows (Nirvana Ice @ 4 weeks flower) + (G13 PE). Will have other light later this week, until then I will try giving the one I have about 30 minutes down time between grows