Flower Room Rebuild-Lighting,Flooring, Cooling Qs


Well-Known Member
First off, want to say whoever is helping me via DM and that stuff thank you a ton, you know you are.

I just had some more questions I didn't want to just bug you guys with those.

So The room is about 17 ft X 9 Ft. while the lights and totes will be focused in a 8x9 in the middle of the room. With a cutout of the room used to house my 55g Resevorir tote and other accessories.

Lighting: I currently have 1x1000 HPS & 1x600 HPS. I would like to add 2 more lights. 600hps? 315 cmh? 1000hps?

Flooring: This grow is on the second floor, ive run rdwc up there before and only had a minor leakage once and would rather not go theough that again. So im going to line the wood floor with a sort of pond liner? I notice Pond liners only come in black, should I just get a 20 mill white tarp for my floor? Then frame with 1x6s a perimeter of the room and staple the tarp to that so it would somewhat be a pond if something did fail?

Cooling: Then I would like to figure out what would be best, running a sealed room or using fresh air exhanchges with fatty AC& dehumu. Otherwise if I ran a sealed room it would be a mini split and Co2? Ideally id like to put a window AC in as smell really isn't an issue.

Trying to keep this build under 1k. Which I feel tosses out the option for a mini split or c02. But id keep my options open if that is the best route, just cant be shelling out 5k for a room in a house we do not own yet. IF we do end up buying it, hell yeah lets drop some cash on it.

Any ideas?

Im in Vermont so its not hot that long in the summer, in the winter the air is currently exhausted downstarirs to help warm the house. Summer it went straight outside. The I was pulling air from outside in my veg room, then was pulled into flower room, during hottest months of summer temps were like 82 in there, would like that donw to 78. This was also done with NO ac last year just fresh air and dehumyy.

Sidenote :also need electrican to wire me some more power upstars, panel has lots of free space just need to get a electrican to run a 220 up the grow room? Landlord said I can do that shit as long aas I have liscensed elctrican doing it
Flooring. While pond liners are pretty thick, I would go with a roll of vinyl flooring as it will last much longer.....and if you shop....it would be cheaper.

Lighting. You have more than enough for the area you're growing in.

Venting. Unless you live far away from neighbors, and never have a visit from people like the utility companies, you should be very diligent regarding venting bud-stink outside. You never know who's going to stop by and smell what you're doing. Trust me I found out the hard way.
Flooring. While pond liners are pretty thick, I would go with a roll of vinyl flooring as it will last much longer.....and if you shop....it would be cheaper.

Lighting. You have more than enough for the area you're growing in.

Venting. Unless you live far away from neighbors, and never have a visit from people like the utility companies, you should be very diligent regarding venting bud-stink outside. You never know who's going to stop by and smell what you're doing. Trust me I found out the hard way.

I mean I’m in a legal state so i don’t think the smell of bud can really do too much but i can’t but a carbon filter on whatever is going outside .

Okay i was looking at Vinyl flooring last night. How does that work? has a sticky side that goes on the wood then wah bam? or like puzzle pieces and dosent make the wood all sticky?
Get a minisplit, window AC's don't work when it's cool outside. Spec low ambient cooling and auto restart after outage. Have ample dehumidification. Run a sealed room with CO2.

Vinyl floor comes in a roll, you glue it down. 45 mil pond liner would be more expensive IMO and the vinyl would last longer IMO.

Use carbon filters in the room as scrubbers, enough of that going down and you can't smell the plants standing next to them.
You can find pre-cut rolls of vinyl flooring (I think I used 5'x10') that are not self-adhesive at Home Depot or Lowes. They also have big rolls on racks that are (I think 10' wide) that you ask them to cut to your desired length.
You may be in a legal state, and that's cool (I am not) but what happened to me were some teenagers that got whiffs through my window-shaker A/C unit and came back one night and ripped me off. Blowing budstink outside is just not a good idea. Carbon filters and a good inline fan will keep you out of trouble.
As far as sealed room.......

It's quite an investment to properly seal and cool the relatively small area you have going. You had better have no growing issues before gassing your room because whatever challenges you were having will be magnified with forced CO2.

CO2, while will increase your yield by around 20%-25%, there's much to consider. If you use a burner, it'll bump up your heat by a whole bunch. If you use bottled CO2 keep in mind you'll have to drag those tanks up and down where you have your room. After awhile....it sucks.
If you use a burner, it'll bump up your heat by a whole bunch.
Well it will bump the heat, how much would depend on how leaky the room is. But yes, more cooling will be required and the CO2 burner also emits water vapor... The added heat is partially mitigated by the fact you need to run a little warmer canopy temps to achieve the metabolic rate to use that CO2. Of course many other factors are in play but supplemental CO2 is the way to go in many cases but not all.
Blowing budstink outside is just not a good idea.
Truth! Using scrubbers in my rooms is key for me. As I don't exhaust I need to control the odor somehow or the place reeks. A couple 12x48" phat filters in each room keeps things at bay for me. If the power goes out and those fans stop scrubbing it only takes about 30 minutes and you can smell my grow from two houses away lol.
When I first started growing legally in Colorado, I didn't worry about odor much, saved the money for more lights lol. One day im in the front yard and the sherrif pulls up and beckons me over to his cruiser and he asked "Can you turn it down a notch?" and I thought about it and I wasn't making any noise, then I was like, oh yeah lol. He said they have problems with the burglaries and that I would do well to keep under the radar so to speak. Pretty cool guy actually. Not at all like how things woulda played out back in Missouri LOL.
I mean I’m in a legal state so i don’t think the smell of bud can really do too much but i can’t but a carbon filter on whatever is going outside .
If you are in a city area. make sure to check local ordinances. most populated places have something set by the city or county that says people cant be able to smell it from the road or sidewalk ect. I am fairly certain my neighbors still do not know I grow.
82F is great if you have the humidity for it. I heat my tent to 82.
Im glad you asked about your floor, that was a concern I had not brought up yet. I like the idea of the vinyl. just make sure to seal around the edges well. Maybe still make the 1x6 frame around it like a baseboard and seal it with silicone. Should be able to make yourself a nice watertight floor liner that could hold an inch or two if you had a massive failure.
When I first started growing legally in Colorado, I didn't worry about odor much, saved the money for more lights lol. One day im in the front yard and the sherrif pulls up and beckons me over to his cruiser and he asked "Can you turn it down a notch?" and I thought about it and I wasn't making any noise, then I was like, oh yeah lol. He said they have problems with the burglaries and that I would do well to keep under the radar so to speak. Pretty cool guy actually. Not at all like how things woulda played out back in Missouri LOL.
Hell ya. The Jefferson County cops are awesome where I'm at. Best I've ever had to deal with for sure, lol. About a year ago, I was getting annoyed behind this slow ass, and he started going even slower just to annoy me. Well, I lost it. And as soon as I saw my opportunity, I punched it and passed his dumbass in a place not recommended to pass at all, not to mention right in front of a cop I didn't see, lol. It was a really aggressive move that only took a couple seconds, and I'm sure it looked really bad from a cops perspective. I told him that I just lost it and that it was really stupid. I also said that I totally earned a ticket and was respectable the whole time (I learned not to disrespect cops when getting pulled over when I was 16, lol). Anyways no tickets at all since moving to CO over 10 years ago. New record, lol.
I wasnt convinced they even pulled people over here for the longest time, hardly ever see people pulled over. CSPD seems to be stretched really thin
Nice, you're in CO too? I know, these cops aren't as anal as any others that I've had to deal with. I've thought for sure I was gonna get pulled over for speeding and shit many time and was shocked that I just "rolled" on, no pun intended, lol.

Morrison cops are not as forgiving though since they are all about the money the can collect. You just have to drive mellow through a few spots going to Red Rocks. I did get lucky and talked myself out of a speeding ticket to a female cop once, but my daughter who was like 17 at the time got a ticket for a headlight out she didn't know about and she sure looks a lot sweeter than me, lol.

I think the best way to deal with cops is just to be really respectful, and let them feel like they are in control. Kissing a little ass doesn't hurt either, lol.
The cops out here in Colorado are a lot nicer than back in Missouri. In Kansas City it was like they had to take an academy course on being an asshole.

Last fall I was driving my supercharged corvette one night pretty late and I know I was speeding about 10 over in a 35. My back window is pretty useless in that car especially being tinted so I didn't know a cop was behind me for a good while. I pulled into the gas station and was sitting in the parked car talking to my girl and this cop taps on my window. I'm like great... here we go.

The cop was like, "Nice car man, how fast is it?". I was like uhhh... He then said "Don't worry man, I only wanted to tell you that your tail lights aren't working." I had just been under the dash fixing my clutch pedal and I had knocked a wire lose but anyways he just talked to me about cars for a few minutes while my girl went in to grab smokes. Then he followed me to my house so I wouldn't get rear ended.

Back in Missouri I am sure that it woulda been two cops and a supervisor show up later, wanna search my car and be general dicks, grill my girl about shit and see if our stories match... Had it happen so many times and ffs I am white! No white privilege in Missouri... lol
The cops out here in Colorado are a lot nicer than back in Missouri. In Kansas City it was like they had to take an academy course on being an asshole.

Last fall I was driving my supercharged corvette one night pretty late and I know I was speeding about 10 over in a 35. My back window is pretty useless in that car especially being tinted so I didn't know a cop was behind me for a good while. I pulled into the gas station and was sitting in the parked car talking to my girl and this cop taps on my window. I'm like great... here we go.

The cop was like, "Nice car man, how fast is it?". I was like uhhh... He then said "Don't worry man, I only wanted to tell you that your tail lights aren't working." I had just been under the dash fixing my clutch pedal and I had knocked a wire lose but anyways he just talked to me about cars for a few minutes while my girl went in to grab smokes. Then he followed me to my house so I wouldn't get rear ended.

Back in Missouri I am sure that it woulda been two cops and a supervisor show up later, wanna search my car and be general dicks, grill my girl about shit and see if our stories match... Had it happen so many times and ffs I am white! No white privilege in Missouri... lol
Shit, I wish I could love and laugh at the post at the same time, so I just chose love, lol.

The Dakota cops are the worst, both North and South.
The cops out here in Colorado are a lot nicer than back in Missouri. In Kansas City it was like they had to take an academy course on being an asshole.
Car group does a lot with the local cops and state police. Lots of benefit events to help them with various causes. They tend to be pretty easy going on us from what Ive heard. Ive yet to encounter one.
When I was 17, my girlfriend (16) and I were traveling across state of Missouri to Ilinois on I-70 to visit my grandparents for Christmas. We were in my smokey and the bandit Trans Am with a 455 that was built, took a good sum in gas to make that trip lol but at least I had 2.73 highway gears in it for that run. My exhaust system was a little loud but if you weren't in it it wasn't bad.

Her parents knew, my parents knew, grandparents were expecting us there by midnight. The weather had went to shit several hours ago with snow, we were running late because of that. Roads were terrible, had to keep doing that grab the windshield wiper and make it smack the windshield to bust the ice off it lol... generally not fun, especially in that car with street slicks on it, we can't go faster than 35 and thats sketch.

It's about 1am, roads are getting to the point that I have to drive 25 ish and we got pulled over in this little podunk town in Illinois, one of those that has one stop sign, blink and you miss it... We are about 30 minutes from my grandparents home. This cop comes up and is ragging me about my taillights being dirty and not being able to read my plates. (Weather). He mentions that he has a ride along in his car, im thinking probably his drinking buddy... He asks about where we are going, separately... He is all about her being 16 and out of state with me... She's like, "Call my mom and dad! They know where I am going."

He goes back to his car and sits there talking to his homie. After about 15 minutes he comes back to my car and says "Well our computers are down but they are saying she's a run away." I'm like thinking, yeah, this is gonna be fun... Computers may go down but they don't start making shit up. We insist that all our parents are good with it and he goes back to his car for another 10 minutes or so. Then he comes back and says that apparently she's not a runaway and I need to clean my taillights and plate, and he writes me ticket for that and my exhaust being louder than stock. So finally after about an hour on the side of the road we are rolling again.

Roads are way worse now, no plows, snows deep, no other cars tracks to see. Just snow. Had to feel the road.... Was sketchy as fuck we shoulda been in a ditch.

It's about 4:30 am when we get to my grandparents home. They are worried as fuck. I tell them what had happened while my girlfriend calls home to check in and her parents said they were never contacted by the cops. My grandpa just stewed. He was a very large and strong man, truck driver for the teamsters for 40 years, WWII vet, tough as nails, 32nd degree free mason since the early 50's. Not a guy you fuck with.

The next morning he takes me to get breakfast and doesn't mention it. After that he drives to that little podunk town and we walked into the police station (was a double wide lol). He walks right into the Chief's office and sits down. They start hamming it up for a bit because they were both in the same masons lodge. Then my grandfather says, "I got a problem with one of your officers." He then proceeds to explain what my girl and I had told him went down. The chief just listens but he's fuming halfway through. The Chief has the secretary call that officer in and grilled him privately for a little while. Then we go back in the office and the chief made him apologize to me for what he had done and that we coulda been hurt driving in that weather, and that he had showed a general lack of concern for our well being. I was also told that my tickets wouldn't be filed. We left and I found out a few days later in the paper that he was suspended for 30 days without pay and busted down a rank in pay and they made him publicly apologize to the citizens in his town in the newspaper for basically being a piece of shit.

That was pretty cool after the fact and still to this day makes a great story. One day I should tell the one about when I ran my girlfriend over with that trans am while doing donuts in a church parking lot... or the time I tripped acid with my homies all weekend driving that car around...

That Free Mason shit's real... Them homies got each others backs.
1975.......I lived in upstate NY and my buddy and I did a bunch of black beauties one night and we decided to go to Stuart Florida to pick up his guns and cutting torches he left down there before moving to NY.

We ended up sleeping for almost 2 days once we got down there, and then decided to cruise the beaches. Sure as shit there were two pretty decent looking teenage girls hitch hiking and we picked them up. We spent much of the day smoking a ton of weed and drinking wine as we drove around till the wee hours of the morning.

We were pretty fucked up when we pulled into the only place open....a White Castle...to get something to eat. We were in there for about 15 minutes, and no-one was coming out to serve us. Finally a voice from the back of the kitchen said she wouldn't serve us (we were being pretty rude) so we started dumping salt shakers and pouring ketchup on the tables before we left.

We got into my Maverick and I attempted to back up.....but a cop car was blocking us. "Shit!" The two girls were in the back seat and started telling us that they robbed a store just before we picked them up. SHIT!

The cop asked us for our ID's.......I gave him mine, my buddy's ID was in his shorts in the truck....that had guns, cutting torches, and our bag of weed in it. The two girls said "My name is Denise and I lost my ID this afternoon". The other girl said "My name is Barb, and I lost my ID this afternoon". The thing is.....there were two purses on the back shelf behind them.

SHIT! My buddy got out and opened the trunk with the other cop. SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! There was a long discussion back there......

The cop quizzing the girls asked about the purses, and they claimed they weren't theirs. I'm sitting there running this situation in my head....out of state plates in a well-known red-neck part of Florida, guns, weed, cutting torches, two chicks obviously hiding something, and we just made a huge mess in the restaurant.

The cop asked all of us to get outta the car, and when we were out he told the girls he would have to take them into the station since they refused to show ID. This is when things go even worse.......One of the girls tried to kick one of the cops in the balls.


She tried to run, but the cop grabbed her by the hair and slammed her head into the back window of the car next to mine....and blew out the window.

FUCKSHITPISS! I just knew we were going to jail.

The cop handcuffed both girls and tossed 'em in the patrol car. I think the one chick had a very busted nose....blood all over her.

The cop told us to get in our car and get out of Stewart county....and never come back.

I've never stepped foot in Stewart County ever since.