flower room hps question please help


Well-Known Member
would a 1000w hps be enough for 8-10 plants??
the area is 6 ft long x 4 ft wide x 8 ft tall.

thanks peeeace


Well-Known Member
you could grow 8-10 plants under much less than a 1000w hps, it depends on how big you intend to grow the plants and how you grow the plants (sog, scrog, etc). I think that 1000w would be more than enough for that many plants in that size growing area.


Well-Known Member
hmm alrighty well maybe ill rethink and look at some less expensive lower wattage light kits. i dont want them to get huge. they are only going to be in the clone room and veg for a total of 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
i dont want you to get the wrong impression, i wasn't trying to say it is too much power, i was just saying you will be more than happy with it, it'll be more than sufficient. if i had a grow area that size i would probably run 1x1000w or 2x600w or 1x600w on a light mover.


Well-Known Member
I think you are on the right track. It also depends on how you plan to cool the room. Keep on mind, the more light, the more c02 your plants need. //as long as the girls stay cool they will grow to be everything you hoped they would. Might be a little over-kill, but better to error in the side of monster buds ReD <I>

p.s. Here is a pic at 4 weeks under 1000w hps only grew 3 N.L.X. plants and yeilded about 3.8 oz at weeks 12

good luck


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Well-Known Member
yea i checked around and at the local store near my place the 1000w light kit is actually cheaper. so yea, i think i'll be goin with 1000. i plan on harvesting 4-5 plants every 4 weeks. im only gonna get 8 wk flowering seeds for the most part so i can continue this cycle. even 9 wks is fine. but yea a total of 8-10 plants just at different stages. im hoping to get around 8 ozs each harvest.


Active Member
i use a 1000wt. for 12 plants and they just started to flower and they arew about 1.5 ft. tall i have been tying it down since they were big enuf to do so. it made them grow into bushes. should increase yeild?????


Well-Known Member
yea i think so. ive never done that before but ive read a bit about it. i dont think im going to have the space to bush mine out like that. im just going to focus on one tall big main cola. try to get an ounce/plant dried.


Well-Known Member
i plan on harvesting 4-5 plants every 4 weeks. im only gonna get 8 wk flowering seeds for the most part so i can continue this cycle. even 9 wks is fine. but yea a total of 8-10 plants just at different stages. im hoping to get around 8 ozs each harvest.
It can be a shitload of work and hassle if you get too many plants in too many different stages of growth going at the same time, unless you have separate growing chambers.
Don't wanna bum you out, but I'd set my harvest expectations a bit lower.
It's hard growing 2 z's a plant constantly indoors while keeping things in sync, IMO.
Will be watching and good luck!