Flower or Veg into moms?


Well-Known Member
i`m still really new at this and don`t really what to do next.
i have 3 plants that i started from seed a little over a month ago. Growth is good and the plants look well. My plan was to grow these plants into moms that i could take clones from. What does everyone here think? Should i continue to keep them in Veg and take clones from them when ready or should i throw them into flower and then take a health clone from that to make into a mother plant???

there are current pics on my journal the link is below


Well-Known Member
they say your not suppose to take clones when they are flowering but i do, i dont want male clones growing in my veg area. i just took 2 clones from my flowering girl last week and they are doing fine. its really up to you how you wanna do it.

luvvin growin

Active Member
let them go another month before you clone.6 to 8 weeks of growing time befroe you take a cutting,once they take,then you can do whatever,but give em 2 months to grow,then clone.Looking good so far,nice growth.


Well-Known Member
what about topping or fiming? Should i worry about doing anything like that if i`m going to keep them in veg. The one is starting to get pretty tall

luvvin growin

Active Member
Thats all up to you and how you want your plant to grow.I start topping at 1 month,so you can if they're getting too tall for you.I also supercrop mine to thicken up the branches,but its all up to you......