flower issue

Okay so my friends plant was doing fine, it was about 8weeks old, and he flipped the lights to 12/12,after he flips the lights he decides that he wants to set it outside because he is using cfls and wants to get a higher yield by flowering outdoors, so he puts them out doors without considering the fact that there is 14 hours of day light out and he didnt think that it would toss it back into veg.
Welll it has been about 3weeks of flower, the first week was indoors and the second and third week has been outdoors and some of the white pistols had turned orange or brownish...

Is there any way to correct this or is this plant screwed?
My froend thought that if he coverrs the plant every night so the plant only gets 12 hours of day light that it would fix the problem and allow the plant to continue to bud?


Well-Known Member
I heard someone recently say to put garbage pails over the plants so they get 12/12 outdoors ;)


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Forget the red hairs, not an issue.

2 weeks of normal daylight...probably gone back into veg mode by now.

And, yes he can force flowering by covering it up for 12hrs/day, heat may be a problem though.

Imo, if he bothered to move the plant outdoors to reap the benefits of real sunlight, he should leave them to flower naturally.
