Flower help plz


Well-Known Member
Ive managed to get females to the flowering point of their life cycle and Im guessing im going to have an issue maybe I can get help on.

I have a 4'x4' area and a 1000 w HPS. I hit alittle wall, I started a bunch of seeds so I was gaurenteed to fill my space with females, but I now realize not only do I have too many, but they're already 3' tall one week in and its a 6' room.

?#1: Can I take some of these out and put them back on 24 hour veg light without stressing it to hemaphrodite when I reflower?

?#2: Is there a way to make them stop growing vertically without slowing down flower production?

I topped them about 2 weeks ago and I didn't know if doing it again would overload the flower sights with new growth rather than buds.


Well-Known Member
if theyre in flower, dont top them. this will hurt things more than help. look up bending or lst techniques


Well-Known Member
1000 W hps in a 4' x 4' room! That's a lot of light - you must generate a lot of heat too!

Pinch the buds at the top or tie it over.


Well-Known Member
Rooms 8X5 Im using 4X4 for plants because they don't reccomend over 5X5 with the hood I have. It'll cover the whole room but not efficiently enough to grow a whole room.

I reccomend a sealed hood with the glass cover and 6" holes to cool it. Then get some 15$ flexable ducting from home depot it comes in a box thats no bigger than a big gulp from 7-11 and theres like 25 ft. in it, and get an exhaust fan that the ducting can be clamped to. Or "can fan" if you wanna pay for a name brand. This is all stuff at Home Depot or Lowes. The fan I have moves 434 cubic feet per minute. Some people run duct to the outside of the room and use that air. I leave one end open on the hood to help cycle air through the room, and take up less space. Just put a nylon over it to keep dust off the inside of the glass and bulb.

At first I was cheap and didn't have a cooled hood and my temp shot up to 90 deg. with a reg box (56CFM on high) fan. after about 3 hours of that I put CFLs on them for awhile and took the bat wing hood back lol.

The fan I have actually decompressed the room at first and ripped the mylar off the walls at some points and almost broke the door.(Its completely sealed) So what I did was I got a few of those things you put on the outside of your house to direct clothes dryer exhaust towards the ground and I installed them on the door so air can be replenished. Also put stockings on these and if you have a strong fan you will need more than one. I THINK 2 amps is the power consumption for the fan I have.

Im not bragging by any means there ARE better ways to do this, I only posted this in detail because I learned the hard way and before it was all said and done, the cheap route didn't work, and I had to spend even MORE money and do it twice to get it right anyways.
