FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

The pot sok keeps the perlite from falling through into the lower pot and back into the main res. I have hear they are difficult to obtain, keep looking

Thanks for the response. At first, all I could find was actual socks for your feet with cannabis symbols on them :lol:. I changed the search up and found quite a few places that carry them. Apparently these Pot Socks are as Australian as Kangaroos because every single store that has them is in Australia. None in the US though. Once I figure out how to mget the sock, it's go time :clap:! I'm not the most handy individual. That's for sure. Between this and a scrog screen I will have my hands full. Holly crap I need a scrog screen. I haven't been able to LST my DWC much because it's just not easy to do with the bucket. The plant, like Agent Smith, has grown beyond my control. I can definitely see how one plant could fill up a 5 X 5 with a scrog. Should be interesting.

I got my UVB's set up. My plant is really attracted to the UV light. They want to reach up & grab it. Can't wait to see the results. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response. At first, all I could find was actual socks for your feet with cannabis symbols on them :lol:. I changed the search up and found quite a few places that carry them. Apparently these Pot Socks are as Australian as Kangaroos because every single store that has them is in Australia. None in the US though. Once I figure out how to mget the sock, it's go time :clap:! I'm not the most handy individual. That's for sure. Between this and a scrog screen I will have my hands full. Holly crap I need a scrog screen. I haven't been able to LST my DWC much because it's just not easy to do with the bucket. The plant, like Agent Smith, has grown beyond my control. I can definitely see how one plant could fill up a 5 X 5 with a scrog. Should be interesting.

I got my UVB's set up. My plant is really attracted to the UV light. They want to reach up & grab it. Can't wait to see the results. Thanks again!
Awesome find matey!

Good luck with everything! scrogging is the only way to go ;)

Gnine Day 17 Flower!!!! Getting a little ridiculous now. You can see on some tops, my lights are at their maximum height and penetrating to the max!!

Look closely :) it's there :p just started to make her honey.



Well-Known Member
Bloody hell mate that is just ridiculous! They are freakin massive and hasnt even been in flower for 3 weeks yet :O
No kidding hey! extremely vigorous strain, and just loving her environment :) Its been a while since i've seen growth like this! i tried slowing her growth with the massive trims i did, i could of even picked bigger clones off the tops! even her clones are dark green and healthy, fully rooted AFTER 8 DAYS! with a 11 watt desk flouro lamp. Talk about fast, thats an understatement.... i've given no flowering boosters just Cycos Silica and Dutch's Bloom A+B & add.27 (all gold range)

I think many people will catch on now that a bigger plant will flower faster, harder, and produce ALOT more, especially by the looks of this. Still a long way to go yet... and i shook the netting, and wow she already sways with weight.
Not forgetting either that you can only see half the plant in these pics ;) this trunk looks like you could use it as a bat!


Holy Shit dude, that is mammoth!!! Like some super-plant genetics. :clap:

What is the size of your tent in inches?

Also, I would love to get more details on your feeding schedule now that your combining the dutch masters gold line and a few cyco nuts. I would like to mimic your results, thought I would mimic your nut schedule first; if I can manage it safely. I over fed my babies during swell but they still look great, I'd hate to mess up future plants so really understanding how to carefully combine two companies nutes would be a necessary step prior to doing anything in reality.

Maybe when you have time you could speak to your reasoning for the schedule you have, that would be sweet, but if you could even disclose your ml/l of nutes per week that would be Fantastic.

But definitely that Gnine combined with your optimal and aggressive environment is making Great results. I love checking in on this thread. Keep it up flo. Intoxicating just looking at it.

Thankfully my harvest is coming soon, I don't have to drool over this thread so much.

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Well-Known Member
My mind boggles!!! Think I'm gonna convert my veg tent and do a "flowa" next to my little perpetual..
Do you replace the pot sox after every grow or can they be reused? I ask because I have to have them sent from Australia so I'll order a bunch if they're one & done. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure he uses a new one each grow, once the roots come through there's massive holes in them. I use a new one each time in mine so better off getting a stack dude :)


Well-Known Member
wow your doing big things here, i personally don't scrog but have you guys ever seen the hygrohybrid channel on youtube? dudes a straight beast pulling 1.5-2 pounds a plant in scrog under a 600w but his videos are super easy to follow and have step by step how he grows.
Not that you need any help your grow is right up there with the best of them, its still nice though to be able to compare what you do with other growers who are atleast equals or better in levels of skill.
I have a beautiful mom plant nl x skunk that if i ever flower her i wanna scrog as nothing stops her growth and she has such a beautiful scrog struture ( i think) anyways man im now subbed and watching.


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit dude, that is mammoth!!! Like some super-plant genetics. :clap:

What is the size of your tent in inches?

Also, I would love to get more details on your feeding schedule now that your combining the dutch masters gold line and a few cyco nuts. I would like to mimic your results, thought I would mimic your nut schedule first; if I can manage it safely. I over fed my babies during swell but they still look great, I'd hate to mess up future plants so really understanding how to carefully combine two companies nutes would be a necessary step prior to doing anything in reality.

Maybe when you have time you could speak to your reasoning for the schedule you have, that would be sweet, but if you could even disclose your ml/l of nutes per week that would be Fantastic.

But definitely that Gnine combined with your optimal and aggressive environment is making Great results. I love checking in on this thread. Keep it up flo. Intoxicating just looking at it.

Thankfully my harvest is coming soon, I don't have to drool over this thread so much.

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LOL :) Thanx man, she's a 140x140x200cm tent (55x55x80) inches.

My feeding schedule seems to change and differ a little each grow ;) as of currently i'm using 70ml Silica (Cyco) 30ml Dr. Repair (cyco), add.27 (90ml) +Bloom A+B Gold range (160ml each) from Dutch Masters, in a 40 litre res, Whom i'm really happy with! If i mixed this myself like the old days i would be pretty much the same :)

My mind boggles!!! Think I'm gonna convert my veg tent and do a "flowa" next to my little perpetual..
Shall i hold you to that? ;) lol, i like that.... ' a flowa ' hehe

Do you replace the pot sox after every grow or can they be reused? I ask because I have to have them sent from Australia so I'll order a bunch if they're one & done. Thanks.
replace all the grimy stuff each grow :) always fresh and clean. :)

wow your doing big things here, i personally don't scrog but have you guys ever seen the hygrohybrid channel on youtube? dudes a straight beast pulling 1.5-2 pounds a plant in scrog under a 600w but his videos are super easy to follow and have step by step how he grows.
Not that you need any help your grow is right up there with the best of them, its still nice though to be able to compare what you do with other growers who are atleast equals or better in levels of skill.
I have a beautiful mom plant nl x skunk that if i ever flower her i wanna scrog as nothing stops her growth and she has such a beautiful scrog struture ( i think) anyways man im now subbed and watching.
Thanx man! I haven't heard of that guy, but he sounds like he has similar ideas with growing! an Aussie perhaps? I may have to check him out, there are a few growers that ive seen now that are starting to pull some BIG plants. Tis the new game ;) Scrogging is ULTRA efficient and Very reliable in gaining huge yields in small spaces.

Awesome stuff! :) The Game is ON :p jk


Well-Known Member
i dont believe hes an aussie but hey i could be wrong just happened to stumble on his how to scrog videos and realized the dude was in another league all his own or so i thought but now i see there are some serious scroggers on riu.
Should be moving into a new place in a few months where i can ditch the tents and just have a room i can dedicate at which time i will scrog this beautiful mom i have nl x skunk she's just built to be stretched out on a net.
I have a question that is related to how plants process nutrients. I remembered that you went to school for horticulture so I thought I'd take a shot. A while back I noticed by accident that if I deny or cut back on the plants food for a while, they sometimes thrive once I give them full feedings again. It seems like they thrive even more than if I would have fed them normally throughout. Humans who are coming off a diet often gain more weight than they lost because their metabolism slows. I've heard this referred to as "starvation mode" where the body stores more than normal as a response to insufficient caloric intake. Do plants do this? Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
I have a question that is related to how plants process nutrients. I remembered that you went to school for horticulture so I thought I'd take a shot. A while back I noticed by accident that if I deny or cut back on the plants food for a while, they sometimes thrive once I give them full feedings again. It seems like they thrive even more than if I would have fed them normally throughout. Humans who are coming off a diet often gain more weight than they lost because their metabolism slows. I've heard this referred to as "starvation mode" where the body stores more than normal as a response to insufficient caloric intake. Do plants do this? Thanks again.
awesome question, and without trailing this great idea, noone will know ;) But my logical thinking is thinking, No starving is good for the Ganja plant, ONLY because ( and this is my opinion ) that during the grow period you want the plant to grow fast and healthy, and any indication of starving will likely cause stress, and no matter the comeback it doesn't mean that the plant might go into over-drive... It might....... but i don't think so. Grow period is to store all that is needed to sustain the Nitrogen to feed the leaves so the plant can do her job in flowering and use less energy trying to grow, and more trying to FLOWER :) any energy not put into growing as fast as possible is less efficient and may turn out less yield. Again that doens't mean better/worse weed!! :) That will have to be a trial! Some stress can be good, but under the right circumstances ( tipping, cloning, trimming....) Some strains might love a bit of stress, and pump out the good stuff, some is best to leave alone and build more structure. My current strain is super fast, and just loves the climate i have her in, i just hope she doesn't get too big, some already as round as my fist.

Gnine is growing CRAZY quick!! I hit Day 24 tonight, but i got some pics i took just the other day @ day 21. Had a major issue while flushing the other day, the 19mm return line got blocked with roots, while filling the pot she got about half way while giving a flush thru before closing the tap off and started to overflow out of the top of the first inner pot. I had a HUUUUUUGE flood as i was bent out of my mind, and it was 2am in the morning, and i was lost when i heard the dripping water, i didn't know to turn off the electricity or what!? I was careful needless to say, and got things dry in an hour or so..... Pulled the return line off and cleaned out an excess of beautiful white healthy roots with a drain scraper and got everything flowing again, and she's back to sweet Flowa's World again!
Here she was 3 days ago. Day 21 on the 9th/9th. ( 3 days ago )

Enjoy the view :)


Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD! Dude how thick are those buds already! Damn bro that is going to be an absolute monster :D god i love watching your grows, so inspiring man :) thank you for the awesome bud pron brother ;)


Well-Known Member
How do those giant pom poms smell now? You really need to move to the States and start a grow company and a school!
Checked my plant today & found tiny pollen sacks on the lower stems. GD! :wall:. Idk why it hermied. The plant was thriving & happy. The only stress it was under in it's life was high temps. Damn! It was almost 6 feet tall. What a waste. The strain came from a CaliConnection mixed pack. I've heard they have some strains that hermie easily. Frustrating!

Anyways, I'm buying my stuff to make a drip system now and have a few questions. The water pump; is it supposed to be submersible? Also, the return line that goes back to the reservoir; is that connected to the same pump? Is it sucking the water back to the res. I haven't ever used water pumps so I don't know much about em. Sorry if these questions are elementary. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD! Dude how thick are those buds already! Damn bro that is going to be an absolute monster :D god i love watching your grows, so inspiring man :) thank you for the awesome bud pron brother ;)
I know ey, its weird. I feel like i've lost a couple of weeks!?

How do those giant pom poms smell now? You really need to move to the States and start a grow company and a school!
Just starting to get their stink on now :) the frost is coming in nicely and she's starting to form her unique bud shape. Starting to smell like pungent fruit, a little like mangos.
I would love to do that, i honestly would!! the things that run through my mind!..............

Checked my plant today & found tiny pollen sacks on the lower stems. GD! :wall:. Idk why it hermied. The plant was thriving & happy. The only stress it was under in it's life was high temps. Damn! It was almost 6 feet tall. What a waste. The strain came from a CaliConnection mixed pack. I've heard they have some strains that hermie easily. Frustrating!

Anyways, I'm buying my stuff to make a drip system now and have a few questions. The water pump; is it supposed to be submersible? Also, the return line that goes back to the reservoir; is that connected to the same pump? Is it sucking the water back to the res. I haven't ever used water pumps so I don't know much about em. Sorry if these questions are elementary. Thanks.
6 feet tall? that is very tall for a hydro plant!? that might have something to do with it also, not near enough light down the bottom of 6 feet matey...... That seems to be the likely reason. Plants grown indoors need close penetrating lighting, so canopies that lay flat gather more light/energy.

Yes my pump is submersible. The pot is raised above the nutrient level so it can gravity return to the res.


Well-Known Member
I dont really understand how the netting is setup?
Forgive me for not going through from page 1 but the mrs smashed my laptop, is horrific trying to navigateon a phone...i see a cable tie pinching some net together...
I remember you saying you have 2 layers...