FlowaMasta's Methodology @ How to Grow Monster pound plants!!! ( Jack H X Skunk )

You don't think your going to run into issues keeping the root mass healthy for another 2 months?I believe your right in your thinking of cutting veg time down,i will follow along as i'm curious how that dense jungle turns out.Props though on the tree trunk :bigjoint:

I don't foresee any issues arising with the roots. If it does, there is always the Heisenberg Tea! Saved my plants last round, but I had root issues much earlier. Keeping the organics out this round completely, so as I stated, I cannot foresee any issues! Should be pearly white all grow! Flush and water change coming at the end of next week. I haven't flushed since I started the veg cycle, although the 2 plants were drinking like no tomorrow so I have more than replenished the full volume and then some several times now.
Hey FlowaMasta,

I need one of those meters! What is is called?

Thanks for the compliment but the girls are growing outside. It is the plant that is amazing not me. Did you see my trim macros on my thread? Used an extra light and my tripod to get some FlowaMasta style shots. Some are posed on a catalog from Fender Guitars and the others on the lid of a canning jar.

How is the weather there? Is it getting warm yet or is it all rainy and gray? It has gotten up to 90 degrees here and zero % RH!

Your outdoor girl is going to go nuts! I wonder if you clipped off the flowers if it would reveg faster? You know me, always trying some weird process to see what happens :)


Lol, i'll be at your thread straight after :)
The therm is a a seasonal in/out hygrometer sounds fance it really isn't by todays tech, and it was only $30 off ebay

Regarding the re-vegging, i'm not sure?! still alot of learning to do there with all my research in horticulture that is one thing that i haven't read upon.... maybe because in nature re-vegging happens naturally with some plants and e the initial shock of the weather and root transitioning also, what i'm doing isn't quite natural going from an indoor environment to outdoors, alot of variables would be confusing the plant, last year around the same time i had a plant that everyone was saying it's revegging...... i'm thinking it can't be??!! it's been budding for a month!? but sure enough the plant sat in her mid-re-veg/half flower stage for about 2 months and then finished up around january with some MASSIVE THICK long branches!! so maybe that could happen similar top this grow. Here's hoping anyway! The buds were a little stemmy in the centre but they thickened up and flowered out and i got some great smoke!! Would you believe i still have some ;) ??? YOU BET I DO hehe thanx for the reminder, she's coming out, i'll take some snaps of my old outdoor!! over 2 years old. now howz that for a looooooooong cure :p spicy as a mexican chilli..........


Wicked Flowie they're looking great! Indoory really has that vigor to her now :) outdoory i was sure was going to reveg...ah well, at least she'll have 4 months to mature lol
she may still ;) possitive thinking!! she may hold on mid auto-flower :p
Yeah its always possible dude, specially since its only just going in to growing season now anyway! Nice work on the two year old bud too, the long cure would have it smoking real nice now...kinda like a good Barossa Cab Sav :lol:
some shots of a new batch of iso oil.... and some old 2 year cured outdoor bud :)

The oil is not quite done yet, i'll let it sit for a while to make sure all the alcohol is evaporated.

How do you make that oil? Look crazy!

All i have to say is YUM, god damn that honey and bud looks good :)

when will they make scratch and sniff for iphone?? :(
lol :) thanx guys!!

The oil was a Qwiso run ( Isopropyl ALcohol 100% ) I used simple stainless strainer method where i froze the Iso overnight in the freezer, as well as 2 2L coke bottles with the necks cut off and a funnel with 2 coffee filters. I had my erb in the strainer (frozen cold ofcourse ready for iso) and carefully poured the iso straight through the erb making sure i saturate all the erb i ran the entire litre through within about 10-15 seconds i let the solution sit for around 5 minutes to dissolve all trichs in the iso then i filtered through the coffee filters evapped with the help of a fan next to a window in a box tunnel so all fumes go out the window then after a couple of hours it had almost evaporated and there was yellow oil and other contaminants that sat on top like a watery liquid....? weird i thought, i did a wash with water over the top to clean up contaminants then sat next to the heater for a while just to make sure moisture was all gone and the curing could begin, i scrapped it into the can for easy access it will further cure over the next few weeks while i stir it, whip and lightly warm it over the vaporizer. until the consistency is perfect.

It's not quite what i thought, i didn't yield that much either, but i also haven't tried it, a little skeptical, the smell isn't as nice as my shellite method, not even close at this stage, it was made with just 3-4 0z of bud and trimmings, it looks good, but we'll see........ I think I yielded around 3.8 grams from the 3-4 oz (estimate of erb) but it will drop further i think if there is more alcohol, unless there is some contaminants from the 'gift' erb i was handed. The white milky liquid that was left over after evaporation confused me. It certainly wasn't to do with Iso surely !?.............. i could be wrong, any insight on this??
Could be white hash oil bro...apparently you get it from super frosty weed! If it sticks around after evap is finished you got yourself the best of the best! I may be wrong so please correct me hey :)
I have no idea on that either. I have tried to make hash oil b4 but I dont think I used enough trimmings. I will tryn again next time. Thanks for the insight!
Could be white hash oil bro...apparently you get it from super frosty weed! If it sticks around after evap is finished you got yourself the best of the best! I may be wrong so please correct me hey :)

I have no idea on that either. I have tried to make hash oil b4 but I dont think I used enough trimmings. I will tryn again next time. Thanks for the insight!

I Know it wasn't to do with the oil, i actually think it's from the iso, or leftover nurtrient?! in the bud trim i used, as i stated a while back, this was only a trial as i'm 100% convinced on my shellite method as it has no harshness and tastes closest to full melt bubble hash. You can also smoke/boil it on a couple of screens in a pipe. I may have been ripped off with some ISO off ebay..... lucky i didn't do this with my quality fluff from my skunk Jack!

The white stuff didn't evaporate and what actually did dry up over 1 night smelt like metal and batteries so..... anyones guess, it may have contaminated my oil.......... I May see if i can clean it up with some shellite or something..... Dr. Flowa here we go hehe
Lets see how the Outdoor is going..... Jack X is loving the Hot Spring sun!!! There you go Mo! That's how our weather is going lately, sorry i forgot to answer that back then!


Here is My indoor, Natural Hps colour shot just so all of you know i am actually using a HPS, a Dual spec Agro Son-t Phillips bulb. Day 18 Veg, I'm about to do a slightly later than planned flush and introduce XL :) :) wish my measurements luck its going to be a busy monitoring night.

Hmm well forget what i said about the white stuff Flowa, doesnt sound like its a good thing at all, specially if it has a smell like battery acid!

Your outdoory looks like its goin to go back to veg pretty soon, those hairs are dying off, that used to be a tell tail sign for mine :)

Your indoor girl...well what can i say, she looks magnificent, cant wait to see after the XL hey ;) she's gunna be a big girl!!
I'm not going to be able to follow this thread if your going to be showing sunny outdoor shots.:-P

Ha :) lol, hope nobody minds!! It's just a small play at how Jack skunk grows outside :) Glad to have you here matey!!

Hmm well forget what i said about the white stuff Flowa, doesnt sound like its a good thing at all, specially if it has a smell like battery acid!

Your outdoory looks like its goin to go back to veg pretty soon, those hairs are dying off, that used to be a tell tail sign for mine :)

Your indoor girl...well what can i say, she looks magnificent, cant wait to see after the XL hey ;) she's gunna be a big girl!!

Yeah bummer bout the white liquid but better to be safe, i will see how a cleanup goes if the smell doesn't change, it has a mild waxy or carbon type smell at the moment but it is slowly changing.... possitive thinking, the oil substance was a nice consistency and it's quite nicely translucent even a thick blob!

Yes i agree, the outdoory is showing those signs as well as the nodes are so close together the little budlets look like they have a few new 1 blade leaves appearing and white hairs seem to have stopped growing for now... there looks to be a mild frost but nothing to worry about, she looks healthy enough and should turn around nicely.

XL has been added with a fresh nutrient change as well as another dose of FUNGA-RID to make sure i didn't miss any mild slime or bacteria down below, but everything was sparkling clean this round! After adding my XL i guessed my way to a ph of around 5-ish..... Hehe i know, you can't guess, but i've done this enough times now to know a splash is a splash..... After adding XL the Ph drops to below 3, so you want to bring that up, but only slightly, if you wait for the phosphates to react with the phosphorus the phosphates become active and highly oxygenated and the ph slightly buffers its way up to around 4 - 4.5 ish so be careful adding ph up ESPECIALLY SINCE ADDING SODIUM HYDROXIDE (PH UP) TO PHOSPHORIC ACID (PH DOWN) can have severe reactions in concentrate form!! so do not mix the 2 in the same container!!! Add bit by bit until you are happy with the ph at around 5. As nutrient wears down the Ph will rise toward the end of the weeks cycle as you begin to add fresh water to the res. XL will make the plant VERY thirsty as it burns the root hairs and forces the plant to take on more water as it can't retain it in the roots (repairing), this is time for the roots to build new root hairs (like air pruning) and multiply creating multiple areas of thick root zones able to take on much more water and nutrients. VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR IN MY METHODS. AS TO WHY THIS IS IN RED. :)

Nutrient was mixed to full strength base + MY usual additives, i will see a mild tip burn in the next couple of days or even tonight as i'm pushing the plant to the max right now and need her metabolism working at maximum efficiency, The flower stage is quite product hungry and a big plant needs alot more food + alot more water, i'm talking 10-15 LITRES PER DAY!!!

Feel free to copy this section, lets say it's 1/5th of my methods equation. Actually it's more like 1/3, without XL I wouldn't get my extreme stretch and doubling in size in 1 week..........

Wow, I never realized how much water plants like that consumed. 10-15 litres per day is an insane number! Definitely worth it, but just a surprising number.
Ha :) lol, hope nobody minds!! It's just a small play at how Jack skunk grows outside :) Glad to have you here matey!!

Yeah bummer bout the white liquid but better to be safe, i will see how a cleanup goes if the smell doesn't change, it has a mild waxy or carbon type smell at the moment but it is slowly changing.... possitive thinking, the oil substance was a nice consistency and it's quite nicely translucent even a thick blob!

Yes i agree, the outdoory is showing those signs as well as the nodes are so close together the little budlets look like they have a few new 1 blade leaves appearing and white hairs seem to have stopped growing for now... there looks to be a mild frost but nothing to worry about, she looks healthy enough and should turn around nicely.

XL has been added with a fresh nutrient change as well as another dose of FUNGA-RID to make sure i didn't miss any mild slime or bacteria down below, but everything was sparkling clean this round! After adding my XL i guessed my way to a ph of around 5-ish..... Hehe i know, you can't guess, but i've done this enough times now to know a splash is a splash..... After adding XL the Ph drops to below 3, so you want to bring that up, but only slightly, if you wait for the phosphates to react with the phosphorus the phosphates become active and highly oxygenated and the ph slightly buffers its way up to around 4 - 4.5 ish so be careful adding ph up ESPECIALLY SINCE ADDING SODIUM HYDROXIDE (PH UP) TO PHOSPHORIC ACID (PH DOWN) can have severe reactions in concentrate form!! so do not mix the 2 in the same container!!! Add bit by bit until you are happy with the ph at around 5. As nutrient wears down the Ph will rise toward the end of the weeks cycle as you begin to add fresh water to the res. XL will make the plant VERY thirsty as it burns the root hairs and forces the plant to take on more water as it can't retain it in the roots (repairing), this is time for the roots to build new root hairs (like air pruning) and multiply creating multiple areas of thick root zones able to take on much more water and nutrients. VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR IN MY METHODS. AS TO WHY THIS IS IN RED. :)

Nutrient was mixed to full strength base + MY usual additives, i will see a mild tip burn in the next couple of days or even tonight as i'm pushing the plant to the max right now and need her metabolism working at maximum efficiency, The flower stage is quite product hungry and a big plant needs alot more food + alot more water, i'm talking 10-15 LITRES PER DAY!!!

Feel free to copy this section, lets say it's 1/5th of my methods equation. Actually it's more like 1/3, without XL I wouldn't get my extreme stretch and doubling in size in 1 week..........

Did I miss where you explained the XL additive you are using? I havnt heard of it b4. Its funny how I was just reading about air/root pruning then you write this. lol. Im thinkin about trying an set up with 100% perlite in a smart pot. Thoughts?

As for your ammmmaazzing looking outdoor, Do you just use LST for her? She looks great! The indoor looks like its back in form and taking off.
Thank you sir *tips hat* i have written this down ;)

Fingers crossed about the liquid bro, hope it turns round for ya :-)

No worries man, i ditched the smelly white liquid, and the resin-mix is diluting in a small amount of shellite.

no real loss to me, i got plenty more good stuff to have fun with, i'll stick with my proven method, I see so many people saying this and thats better, you know what? my opinion and i've tried them all now!! The best and purest is the shellite method, you can't beat it for quality, ease of method and taste!! next in line would be a good full melt bubble hash. But i'm telling all the hash lovers out there Shellite has made the closest hash to bubble i've EVER seen. 100% full melt and tastes EXACTLY like the bubble hash, 0% chemical taste, i can pick this shit up and roll it in my fingers, and melt it down to a liquid, and it re-sets to solidified hash, unlike bubble... So glad i found shellite. Makes butane look like childsplay.

Shellite extracted Hash from my last Jack x Skunk. I still got some of this left :)



Here is some shards of hash i scraped out of the pyrex dish about a month after evaporation!! Lethal stuff. It all combines together to look like this!!


Wow, I never realized how much water plants like that consumed. 10-15 litres per day is an insane number! Definitely worth it, but just a surprising number.

HA :) yes it is alot, but you should keep in mind the plants job is to maximize transpiration (sweat) so alot of that ends up in the room and exhausted. But it is still taken up by the plant herself ;) if shes not drinking something isn't right and needs adjusting. If your ppms drop and water isnt going down it may not be enough light and she wants more heat and UV, but i dont worry about ppms. Irrelevant in my method.
Damn bro that hash looks potent as! Definitely gunna have to try making it myself when i get some good dank ;)

Good choice on getting rid of the white stuff too mate, like you said, you got heaps of good stuff to play with so why risk it hey!
Damn bro that hash looks potent as! Definitely gunna have to try making it myself when i get some good dank ;)

Good choice on getting rid of the white stuff too mate, like you said, you got heaps of good stuff to play with so why risk it hey!
Ooooh yeeeah :) gotta love it man!

Surprises everyone that stuff, and when you smoke it its soo smooth you could slip it in a cone here and there and you wouldn't know till 30 seconds after when the normal 'cough' has turned into a convulsive gagging sweating and crying cough lol

gotta start with Pure quality nug to get it like that :)
update is coming.