Flowamasta's Grow No.3 indica clone-harvest grow Journal! 1 PLANT!!! 600wattHPS


Well-Known Member
Mate you grow how alot of us only dream of, great pics
thanx mate, everyone is capable of this, just time and care


here is a nice macro of a clone only 12 inches high, look at the quality, and i didnt do anything to this, just let i grow, and a bit of water


Well-Known Member
hey flowie to get those pics bigger with photo bucket you upload them there first then u just click on the picture and on the right hand side of the screen there is an img code.

you copy that and then you just paste the link in your post on here and the pictures appear here nice and big


Active Member
Just a safety precaution with your pics too, once youve edited them, right click the file, select properties, then select Details, then select Remove properties and personal information. it will create a duplicate with no info. wink wink.

Then you can host your file anywhere like imagepost, imageshack, photobucket, tinypic, etc.


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
You can definitely post them full size through photobucket on here:

Just upload it via URL and don't hit the reference locally button.


Well-Known Member
very nice man gotta love new toys :D is this an expansion or a replacement?
it will replace my current shade, not for this grow, as i dont want to risk dropping it on my plant, shes about 8kg so, it will be in for next grow, weather has been ok, so not too hot, this grow will be fine,

here is some calyx porn dripping with clear/milky resin, these are from the inside of the heads, the large calyxs attached to the stem



Well-Known Member
lol, i feel like i've missed it!! like how the fuk did this all happen soo fast!!?? this plant is menacing! i havent even had time to think about supporting the heads!!! which i will do tonight, they are getting too heavy for the net, and shes wobblin the tent a bit now!!! FREEEEEAKIN OUT MAAAAAN! ;) no shit this is crazy i gotta admit it, what the fuk did i do??? comparing to my last grows, this is pissing on them in terms of resin coverage, which is exactly what i was going for, yield not that important, around 1 lb i'll be sweet as but the resin!!! man i havent had her this sticky before, and she smells like spew !!! SPEW!! got a real sickly pungent smell putrid skunky, wow, must of done something right


Well-Known Member
i have a tungsten bulb mode which allows you to see the geens, and then i change saturation, turn it up nice and high on the camera, and flash slow sync, along with the extreme high speed shutter it just captures the right amount of light to saturate the colours, i'm slowly learning, going to all these macro sites, they teach you a great deal :) plus this camera is great ;) the real green pics i have are the clearest, maybe not the nicest true to colour reproduction, but they show the trichs clear enough for me to see the colour of them the real colourful pics give a false colour of the trichs because of the flash, but closing the aperture further and increasing shutter time (more time open) with a steady hand i have snapped a few nice shots of the trichs with almost full colour, the camera has a very neat function on the display which you can turn on or off which shows you a graph of the colour spectrums, move it around to find a nice balance, and snap! this camera is really too easy.

but yes mellow kitty, sorry for the stoned dribble, hope it makes some sense, you do need flash for those colours to show, but you have to decrease aperture and balance the iso if you can that is. for the money i spent on this camera, i see it as a massive investment for my memories and quality of herb, to be able to see everywhere up close without a scope.....18x optical zoom.

also, if you are too close to the nug the flash will be too bright, you have to find that ballance, it helps with a good optical zoom, i can shoot from a distance of 12 inches away, and get crystal clear shots. If you are trying to focus too close, the camera will centre focus, my camera also has a telephoto macro mode so it multi-focusses several layers, again as long as you use the zoom mode, not too close to the bud....

hope that helps :) when is this "like" button getting fixed? i like everyone :)


Well-Known Member
Plants look great. Curious as to if you notice a difference with the UV. Might have to wait till they are done for that though.