FlowaMasta'a NEW Jack H x Skunk - 1 Plant 600HPS + UVB Monster Scrog!!!


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the mad response bro, really appreciate it :)

Yeah i thought id read somewhere in your thread that you had hand reared these girls from good genetics so not surprised i wouldnt be able to find them unless i crossed them myself! All good man. Ive got a couple shark shock seeds from Dj Short to try next so with any luck the skunk will come out a bit in it :D id actually really like to cross it with my blueberryxNL5 as i reckon it would put out some nice phenos!
No worries man! :)
I'm starting to think the skunk phenos are more dominant in the colder conditions perhaps. This grow will give me a good view on the subject as last grow was grown under an air-cooled hood system and temps rarely reached 26-27 max. This grow i have allowed around 28 degrees here and there and have the evap cooler on hand to increase my humidity while the buds are still small. With the added evaporation i'm seeing humidity around 70% instead of 60% this should help speed up growth and help food uptake.
My original skunk strain showed 2 very different characteristics, 1 being completely skunk sided, an almost overwhelming spew smell during the cold of winter, and come summer it had a more lemony appeal and buds grew hard, dense and with less aroma and resin.
Maybe having the cooler temps and higher humidity helps the plant gain maximum potency as it's rarely stressin, just cruisin along drinking and eating as much as she can put on. If the plant is spending less energy stressing and more time growing that's gotta be a good thing ... right? here's hoping anyway. Climate has been spot on this grow and everything has gone perfect! apart from a very mild white fly situation, which has been eradicated. They don't like Garlic or chili spray!!! just a heads up.

day 21 flowering now, Swell has been introduced, she got a real good flush today, and have given a decent dose of base Bloom A+B smidge under max strength, silica at 2 ml per litre, and swell at 2.5ml per litre. Swell is the game changer in my opinion, when this takes effect everything changes. I go nice and strong if PH is all good and plant is really healthy a good dose of this stuff can make her double in size in 1 week. Lets see if she can handle it :p I also gave 1ml of Dr. Repair and a bit of cyco's new SUGA RUSH... i know i know wasn't gonna use that cause i hate spearmint. It's just until i get my pineapple rush! Sugars are vital to keep on top of, keep them up and she will want more and more, it's like a kid on candy!! 'CYCO' ;) the moment you stop using the vital sugars thats when she can lay dormant. If i top up with water i top up with sugars, and sugars only (during flowering).

day 21. week 4 Flower time!

and this is why i don't grow buds under buds! ...... no light under there people...(below)


A couple of primo Jack x Skunk buds a near 2 month cure and still untouched glistening resin spheres



Well-Known Member
hey flow do you use co2?
nah mate, i don't unless you count me in there all day breathing air into her ;) jk but no i'm happy not using as it's not a sealed system and i need it to be basically mobile so i can tuck her into the corner of my room and keep things going. I'm not convinced it will make that much difference with 1 plant in a tent. Neither is my mentor and he called himself the C02 king lol.
I like to keep things basic so people can see how easy and simple it is to setup. I feel that is helpful. A few people have asked me 'how does the plant breathe then?' I tell them ' Window open 4 inches and i have a evap cooler pumping de-ionised/filtered air into the room via fresh air from the house. Everything stays fresh and very livable. No bad bacteria growing in this room ;)


Well-Known Member
Here is my Res setup pics, as a small update, i'm getting a few people asking how i got my setup so i hope this will help and encourage some :)

here you can see my pump, airstone, inlet (return) and outlet (feed line from the pump to the feed ring).

and here is the inlet and outlet. The thicker one (19mm) is the return.



Well-Known Member
I happen to agree man. A while back when i grew an old skunk strain outside, we had a humid summer amd it went nuts, best smoke ever! Then the next year was heaps dry and even with the extra water i was giving it, it just didnt turn out the same. Both plants were close to identical phenos! I reckon the humidity and close attention to detail
helps them reach their full potential!
You bastard ;) those buds are a tease haha. I so want some
of that lol! And that trunk is....fuckin ridiculous! :D


Well-Known Member
I happen to agree man. A while back when i grew an old skunk strain outside, we had a humid summer amd it went nuts, best smoke ever! Then the next year was heaps dry and even with the extra water i was giving it, it just didnt turn out the same. Both plants were close to identical phenos! I reckon the humidity and close attention to detail
helps them reach their full potential!
You bastard ;) those buds are a tease haha. I so want some
of that lol! And that trunk is....fuckin ridiculous! :D
lol, just read all that hehe! ahh thanx man!! :)
Yes climate plays a huuuuuge part in quality of product.. definitely!
I too have grown my last strain outside and got crazy sativa lookin buds, looong and skinny, heeeaps of nodes, i got a great yield for a 3 month old outdoor of i believe 7.5 oz, the next 2 after that in 1 pot together managed another 5 or so i think for the both and both grown different climate kinda as one after the other, and i force flowered them all towards the end of summer... see if i got an old pic of my nice outdoory nugs. (last strain) ;)

damn i'm a show off. But I'm sure you can't argue with these pics! honey ooooozes of these strains! this was a near autumn/end of summer grow :) she loved it.



Well-Known Member
All i can say is wow bro, that bud at the bottom looks almost surreal... :D
Just wish i had some photos of the skunk i used to grow, fuck it was a nice looking plant..ah well next time hey! F


Well-Known Member
All i can say is wow bro, that bud at the bottom looks almost surreal... :D
Just wish i had some photos of the skunk i used to grow, fuck it was a nice looking plant..ah well next time hey! F
thanx man, a few backyard jobs usually end up ok! clones grow perfect in summer time, gotta ease them in first in the shade, but a few days and full sun will have them flying!


Well-Known Member
Sweet, i can imagine they would take off! Hmm hot me thinkin now lol
lol, if i had the room and it was legal i would have some beeeeeeeauties outside! i used to not care at all and i had a countless amount of plants when i was young, and my backyard was always full of cannabis plants. I learnt how to grow very early, Both parents disappeared and i was on my own at 16. Growin where ever i could i even had plants next to a cricket oval and i got in there once to water them and a game started and i was stuck there hiding in the bushes with 2 big 20L drums of water! I sat there for probably 3 hours! i didn't want anyone to know i was there as i had about 6 plants in plain view of the cricket oval car park! and noone knew, i flowered all of them out and had a merry time running across the oval with arms full of immature fresh buds lol!! those were the young days ofcourse~! being the immature nug ofcourse hehe.

update coming very shortly. Just editing.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha man thats crazy, fuckin awesome..but crazy lol. I reckon growing them in plain view Is half the fun, well used to be anyway! Im similar as well, learned to grow from about 18 and always had plants, was great fun and got some ok smoke put ofnit for me and my mates :) good times! Looking forward to the update bro ;)


Well-Known Member
Day 23 Flowering! nearly half way ;)

Can you tell i've started the Swell diet ??? here's guessing you can. They are smaller. But Taller!, and much more of them :) now this will be a test for FlowaMasta!

nice and level. Should be good to flower out.

Left hand corner shot ;)

Just babies yet :p ...............

Starting to Glisten in the light now. Resin is coming on HARD!

This below is the UVB exposed bud. Look at the white pistils pointing straight up! sure sign the UVB is taking effect.

back corner shot

and 1 more close-up.



Well-Known Member
You really are the Flowamaster :D those buds are amazing hey! That front cola is gunna be soooo fat its not funny haha. Now thisnisnwhat i call bud porn!!


Well-Known Member
You really are the Flowamaster :D those buds are amazing hey! That front cola is gunna be soooo fat its not funny haha. Now thisnisnwhat i call bud porn!!
LOL :) thanx mate! always a great welcome to my thread! i may have to pass out shortly..... yes i know 7am but i'm doin all this with 1 eye hehe



Well-Known Member
Wow, just wow.

Might I add... I envy your leaf health. Unreal.
I'm the same hey, the colour looks damn near perfect hey!

Flowa for Ganja growing president :D
Thanx heaps :) Love to please!! that back corner shot is also under the HID lamp!! the extreme fast shutter speed and low aperture almost made it look like a night time with flash pic!

I am very happy with her health, i have just increased her food a little today... i may see a bit of burn on some tips.... we'll see i guess! Shes feeding hardcore at the moment i can barely keep up


Well-Known Member
gettin there lol! man i'm baked i just realized i got my head sideways lookin at nothin..... better hop to it. Shit to do, a sexy plant to caress.