I would really like a step by step on how you made your THC CRACK!!! That shit is off the hook! I have done the Dry Ice and it works good, very easy
my attempts at dry ice were really great also, good quality hash, even with the purest i still couldn't get even a near melting quality, but still nice and easy on the lungs...that clean bubble is the first time i've had it like that! i was just relly careful eith every process that i did, when i trimmed my plant i got rid of large fans, snipped off the tips of sugar laden leaves to only expose the resinous section, and separated my leaves that way so i was only left with crystally resinous tips and leaves. After trimming i let the pile sit for a few hours long enough for it to wilt and become soft, the i bagged it and froze it. When i did the ice/water extraction, i used a very narrow end spoon so it would mix with little aggitation, just basically bump the trichs and ice around. i made sure all the water with ice was really REALLY cold (condensation covering the outside of the buckets) then i added more ice, the trim, more ice, then iced water that i had in another bucket sitting getting ice cold. Straight after adding erb and ice, and topping up 3 inches below the top of the buckets, i only had around 1/2 lb of fresh frozen trim, so it wasn't a huge amount.....I mixed for around 5 minutes with the wooden spoon, and even though i thought to myself 'surely that can't be enough, i wasn't vicious with the mixing just mixing clockwise then anti-clockwise nice and slowly, the ice, water and erb had enough room to move about freely without being over-crowded. I let this sit for 30-40 minutes.
This was all done in 1 bucket with only the 220 micron bag. I have a separate bucket that has the in this order being the lowest first, 20, 73, 120 micron bags.
After i presume the trichs have fallen to the bottom of the ice cold buckets i lifted the 220 bag with ice/water/erb quickly out of the water like a sucking action to pull out any remaining trichs that may have been down the bottom. I then straight away pour this liquid gold straight into my bucket with the 3 bags. it goes through quite easily this way, no waiting around or having a mate hold the bags and shaking, this way it can be done gently, and everything is left to settle more gently with less transferring of buckets. when i pull my 120 bag out i don't touch this incase contaminants fall through,
I do not rinse the 120 bag with the 4 bag bubble kit.
then i'm up to the 73 bag!! my favourite now!! as i pull this bag out it goes quite quickly down to the last litre or so and i can clearly see a greyish colour murkiness building up, as a carefully swirly the bag around, this becomes tricky to hold (if you've seen matt rizes tube vids, my bags cant go over the buckets like that) so i use my other now empty bucket and put the bag in this to empty remaining liquid gold

i fold the edge of the bag over the bucket so the bottom doesn't touch the bottom of the bucket. then i have my spray gun wit ice/water and i slowly swirl the bucket around to let it drain through, i only cleaned this for maybe another 5-10 minutes with the ice/water to make sure any crap falls through and only the goods is left behind. i scrape, collect and pat dry with the drying screen lightly!! then i put it in the freezer for 5 minutes pat dry again with some toilet paper on the outside of the drying screen, pop the hash out onto wax paper and voila! same again with the 20 micron bag, lower grade hash in my opinion, very dark brown pasty in colour, still nice but meh......
He is somewhat of a THC magician! That oil he makes looks pretty killer as well. I will have to give it a go sometime for sure!
have some more pics!!! my bud is nearly dry, a few small pieces are close, and looking nice and tight