Well-Known Member
ha! thanx heaps man! and cheers for the help back there for Mo, i don't know that stuff, i recommended he stay clear because of the strength of it, just to be safe...sounds volatile at those strengths! but like i said i don't know the stuff, i can't see the nutrient companies being aloud to sell pure pottasium nitrate and calcium nitrate and stuff like that and sell it in pure form in a bag....cause i'd say thats what's about in that bag.....with a good handfull of Epsom salts...Beautiful! Just beautiful!!!
I'd give it a go outside perhaps, on a couple of trial plants

My plant is scaring me, i usually can yonder around my house and not think of my plant ALL the time, but this smell is getting to me!, the pineapple is sooo in the air it's not funny, my mrs laughs because when the lights on it smells like warm pineapple pie as you walk down the hallway, but when you open the tent it's like a bunch of cats got in there and sprayed there piss all over the place! IT FUCKIN STINKS! LOL! pineapple skunk here we come

Could be the new pineapple express