Bring on the FUNKN DANK! should be good bro!
with all you guys here! how could it be bad

you guys are keepin me on my toes, i make or break this LOL!! i have no more experience than any of you guys, i just listen to the moans of my girls

I'm super excited to see this grow out, i may have a break after, i got alot of erbs here, and i'm sick of buying jars at the same place hehe i need a bloody fish tank with a sealed lid lol!
Hey FM - You grow at light speed man - it is incredible! My outside big clone is starting to go at FlowaMasta speed:
And it is getting the same tight tip growth. Should I FIM her?
Looking absolutely superior Mo! wow that clone has some legs on her!!! Totally up to you if you want to fim or top her, you could even go another clone lol

What are the suns hours at the moment? If she's in flower mode, a fim snip may do her some justice, i personally would either leave her completely natural, or snip another clone

more malawi for you!! and more practice cloning. (not that you need it, you now know it's quite simple. It's a plants nature to want to re-produce.
Being outside i imagine she's getting plenty of sun, you could top a small clone, not like your mother clone, a small 3-4 node clone, that will slow her higher branches up a little, and help the lower ones come up..looking great Mo! It really depends on weather to determine what may happen with a top or fim, if the weather stays strong she will go hard as, if the weather is mild, maybe stick with some training only and let her gain her stride
I personally use Rapid rooters. I have tried rockwool and biodynamic plugs. I like the rapid rooters. They root a few days earlier and with much more root mass. This is personal expierence.
soo many different types of mediums!! talking basics clones will root in almost any basic medium fine, i say start with something that will work for what's to come next, and be a stress less situation.
I had a rooted clone in coco last grow and it took longer to take off, and the roots didn't look as bright white and fluffy, as i planted it i literally cringed, it looked sad to say the least. But she turned out great in the end. I care for her where she's needed most, i love my 'ladies'
Flo's key to fast growing = grow your babies with as little fuck ups as possible, play them lots of hardcore dubstep with ridiculous bass, and always, ALWAYS caress your girl before you get comfy in bed