Flourscent Closet grow


Active Member
I don't get it when they say stuff like that... "trichs"... "amber," "cloudy"...

What's amber? What's cloudy? What does it mean in terms of high, smell, taste, or resale value?

RE- SALE value?????????? are you serious what you gonna smoke tha shit blow it in a bag then sell it? for real dude i love your enthusiasm but a couple things you should know, floro's work good, Cfl's work better but LED's are yet to be proven, keep reading and cool out on the hash bro!


Well-Known Member
I researched you. Here's what you have to say about yourself:

yup i'm a tard thought that was tha first page was'nt it was on 8 anyway good job and thanx looks like you should youse CFL's to flower and add and HPS to bud, just my opinion and it propably sucks any way thanks and good job.........I <3 weed!


hey... how do you "ignore" people?

i don't see a buttom or anything... and i'm tired of reading this kids stupid posts...


Well-Known Member
I started smoking my Narpal. The flavour is very greasy and hashy! Its a little harsh though, it cured for one and a half weeks and I fushed really well I think is just the strain. Now lets talk potency! This stuff is very strong, and long lasting. The stone is a very heavy Indica stone almost narcodic. Great for bed time!!! I am very happy with my first grow. I fucked up a few time but it was fun and now my new hobby. To quote Greyskull. "learning can be fucked somtimes"


Well-Known Member
hey matt, I got a question about canada. I heard there are coffeeshops, and that bud is illegal, but ignored like in Amsterdam. Is this true? Sorry if this seems like an irrelavant question. Nice grow dude, need updates