Flourescent Sunrise: A CFL / HPS Adventure


Well-Known Member
Also, the purple on the stems might be the signal of a lack of 'P'. 1/8 teaspoon of 0-12-1 guano mixed into the soil would help.
thanks.. that purple has just showed up over the past day or two.. i was wondering about it.. because it was there then shortly after i gave it a feeding it went away.. i thought it was gone for good.. but then it came back.. i will try that out


Well-Known Member
PLant are looking good, just read through your whole journal, Very Good!!!

Keep em comming!!
thanks bro! im gonna be adding an update right now.. just decided to give my cloning chamber a go.. you guys tell me if everything looks good.. this is my first attempt in this chamber.. i just put it together..i only have 2 clones under my belt.. the first one is monsterous and the second is a week behind the first one and doing well...


Well-Known Member
So it hasnt even been 4 hours since my last update.. what can i say.. im excited..

let me walk you through my cloning process.. *comments appreciated. this is my first try with this chamber.. might need to be tweaked..

first off i start with a 35 gal rubbermade $6

attatch a 2 foot floro tube $8 (but i had one sitting around)
i took apart the fixture it was on and cut it so i would have a mounting bracket.. i Gorilla Glued that to the lid and screwed the ballast back into it.. )

then i filled the bottom with about 2" of perlite $2.50 a bag (this helps retain moisture for the humidity and also aids in keeping the clones upright)

I placed tape on the walls of the rubbermaid above each clone to identify them with the mother(i put the corresponding mark on the pot of each mother)..

Then i choose a branch to cut for my clone.. (i am using lower branches that arent getting much light due to the cannopy. if this is improper please let me know )

i then cut the branch and place into a shot glass of water. ( the other shot glass contains rooting hormone )

I let the that cutting sit in the water for a minute while i prepare/mark the next clone. Then i take a jiffy pellet (which was soaking in water/superthrive) and squeeze out excess water

Next i take screwdriver ( or a pen, stick, anything ) and make a hole that goes almost to the bottom of the pellet

Grrr.. the rest of this will be without pictoral aid so bear with me.. Basically i then take the cutting from the water, cut off extra leaves and scar the stem a bit. then it gets a good healthy rolling in the rooting hormone then placed into the jiffy pellet. The sides of the pellet are pushed inward to make good contact with potential root sites then it is placed into the chamber on top of the perlite. I give the clones and the perlite a good spray with some water/superthrive and then close the lid.

If all is right then the temperature from the light should create a perfect humid environment for the cuttings.. Stay tuned to see how it works out..


Well-Known Member
you know why your bad ass? because you grow in a fucking washing machine/dryer....i would have never thought.....very creative!!!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks? but i aint no better than the next man, nor any less....

keep us posted with pictures and updates. we love pictures!


Well-Known Member
hey man thats looking good, a fridge might get to hot cause the insulation, just saying. but looks good, you might need more light for those clones though.


Well-Known Member
hey man thats looking good, a fridge might get to hot cause the insulation, just saying. but looks good, you might need more light for those clones though.

yeah the fridge idea's been scrapped.. i have a much better flowering chamber in site ( see prior pics ) .. it measures out to 3 and a half feet wide by 4 feet deep .. 7 feet tall.. should be just right for my 430 hps...

and about the light for the clones... you think so? i want to get more input on this soon.. the clones are already in there and i dont want to lose them.. if i need to i will add more light tomorrow.. thanks for the interest


Well-Known Member
* note.. the light in the cloning chamber is only 1250 lumens and is about 8 inches away from the tops of the plants... i can raise them up or add more light but i was under the assumption that cuttings dont need much light to produce roots.. and that, in fact, if you give too much light it focuses its energy into vegative growth instead of root development.. can somebody clarifiy this for me


Well-Known Member
you are correct my friend, trust your instinct. your first guess is normally the right one.

too much light and i blv clones will focus on vegetative growth instead of root growth & development!

but to be honest, with that small space, i'd flower them as soon as they root.


Well-Known Member
less light then normally used for veg is usually used to keep the clones from growing to fast, but you may want to add a couple cfls or something,especially cause they need energy to grow new roots. just my input, plus you dont want them to stretch


Well-Known Member
Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - None today
  • B. PH - 7.0
  • C. MEDIUM - Soilless mix
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (24/7)
  • F. WATERING - Still Moist... will check tommorrow.
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - made minor adjustments to branches that were getting too close to the lights ( almost touching ) . . had to tie them down ( Not ready to lower the entire canopy) My canopy height is controlled by a "crate system"... i stack about 6 coca cola 2 litre crates.. this gives me about 5 inches of room from the top of the pot from the light. when they outgrow their space i remove one crate. if there are plants that have a canopy height that is lower than the others i place there pot on a DVD case or two.. this gives them more light and allows them to catch up. it has been working out pretty well for me.. as you can see i have a relatively uniform canopy as of right now with NO dvd cases in there.. they have all caught up and are growing quite beautifully.
((Pics tomorrow))


Well-Known Member
Saw your movie thread first...

But your journal is awesome.
Keep up the good work, and the stealthy design!


Well-Known Member
Day 46

Todays Overview
  • A. NUTRIENTS USED - None today
  • B. PH - 6.5
  • C. MEDIUM - Soilless mix
  • E. LIGHT CYCLE - VEG (24/7)
  • F. WATERING - *Flush today. Right after photo shoot the plants were flushed ( much needed after 4 weeks of applying nutes!! ) they are draining right now as i update the journal =)
  • G. GROWTH NOTES - seems to be a bit more yellowing then i would like.. probably partly due to the delayed flush. i will observe their progression over the next few days to see if other measures are needed. I will be giving them a little bit more nutes on monday. See how they like that after their soil was just washed clean.
    also the plants are growing more rapidly and are almost touching the lights again. i had to take out another crate.. (down to 3)
Ok guys.. heres today's pics..

first ill start where i left off.. here is what the cloning chamber looks like filled up.. the cups are not the clones i took in the prior post. The first two to the left are seedlings of BB.. the third from the left is a clone i took a week and a half ago.. the three to the right are seeds that were donated by a friend ( and we have one new sprout that will probably get itself a journal ) the strain is unknown but the genetics are gauranteed great. i love suprises!

one of the clones i cut for my demonstration

the "suprise" seedling

Plant pics..

(notice she is a bit droopy.. well.. im sure the flush will fix that! )

and a couple pics of my first clone.. healthy and growin strong

ahhhh... she poses sooo sexy huh?


Well-Known Member
looking good!

thanks bro.. what u think about that clone? im not to experienced with cloning and im thinking about experimenting with her ( people told me u cant clone a fem seed.. HA! ) .. what i want to do is top her and see if a clone of a clone is just as strong ( from a fem seed ). . . now i know that f3s arent typically as strong but im in the learning process and i need to see for myself.. Clones will grow just like any other plant right? ( if i top it it will bush out correct? )