flourescent grower switching to hps


Active Member
ok so im switching from these t8's to a 250watt or 400 watt hps light.. ok now i have a question about them. can i get about 6 plants to grow fine under a 250 watt hps or do i HAVE to go for the 400 watt? opinions?


Well-Known Member
How much space are we talking? and how big are you trying to get them? Id say in a 3 by 3 space, and doing sea of green method, you might just pull it off...but anything bigger then that and your going to encounter some problems. if I were you, Id go for the 400, or maybe even a 600, dude, believe me you will love yourself for it. I always say if your going to do it, do it all the say, dont half ass it. Get the 400 or 600 and enjoy.


Active Member
well its a decent size room but i have them on a platform i made thats a couple inches off the ground.. the platform i grow on is 3 ft by 4 ft and i prolly only getting them about 4 foot tall. im just mainly trying to conserve on electricity thats y im kinda skeptical on which to get


New Member
if u r going to grow it 4' tall,id recommend 1 plant with a 400w......and then not even grow it that big
i would let it grow about 2', then supercrop it....or top above 2nd node early in the grow,let it grow 1',then tie down ur branches ...and put it in flower
dont over crowd ur plants,a 400w is not that powerful.....imo,itll sufficiently do a 2x2 area


Well-Known Member
600 all day, it puts out alot of light and it will do a 4x4 area pretty nicely. me on the other hand, I use a 1000 in a 4x4 area.