Florida users...unite!


Active Member
Florida is pretty cool. I just want everyone to check in who grows here. Im trying outdoors, since we know out climate and what not it would logical to ask eachother our questions. Plus meeting new smoking buddies isn't bad either. Anyone around pasco?

Johnney Herbz

Active Member
Lol Florida Unite! We could be the next california when it comes to pot.
HA!!, so does that mean Cali is gonna become The Empire of Weed? Can't be the next cali if you can't keep up ;D But, i say fuck cali. Im moving to canada in a few years.


Another Floridan stoner here, whats up nukkas?

not so sure about growing outdoor in florida so ill stick with indoor growing as soon as i find a new place...


Well-Known Member
I grew up in polk county. Couldn't wait to move away as a kid & now 8 years later I'm ready to go back. I'm currently living a few hrs north but I'm visiting every 2 months or so. Lol not sure about being the new cali but I'd say with all the snow birds hanging around its a perfect candidate for medical use. Problem is that those are the people that have 50+ years of "MJ is bad" drilled into their brains. If Florida got up and decriminalized then that would definitely be the final deciding factor in moving back. I've always thought the groveland area would be Perfect for outdoor MJ growing.