Florida Organic Growers need you


New Member
Florida is most likely going to pass a bill allowing MMJ later this year,,,,,,,,,,,
We make our living growing organic fruit and vegetables on about 22 acres here in Gilchrist county Florida.Our produce is being prescribed by oncologist's to their cancer patients and we see the growing of MMJ as the next logical step to take to further our goal of producing the best,healthiest produce possible.From my point of view,MMJ needs to be produced only by holistic, organic methods and no one can do that better than the members of the Florida Organic Growers,F.O.G. We,F.O.G., will be going to the legislature to make the case when the time is right and will be needing your support in this so I will be asking for input from folks across the world to take with us to the legislature.
Presently, some MMJ comes with a disclaimer stating "May contain other substances".Why the hell would you give a cancer patient something containing known cancer causing ingredients? Reasons like this is what I'm looking for.Horror stories from poisoned pot would work too.
We will need as much "ammo" as possible,so if you can drop me a note in support I sure would appreciate it.

[email protected] or here
Gregory C.Brown


Well-Known Member
I understand and respect your position. However, it would only take such an issue as your raising to "put the brakes" on legalization of medical marijuana. Your looking for "pot poisonings" and "other horror stories" :shock:


New Member
md914, It would take more than me telling the truth to "put the brakes on" as you put it.,and the truth is that all kind of crap IS being added to pot all over the world and being sold and consumed.I'm sure the legislators have heard the stories and is a big reason they are against pot in the first place.Convincing them it CAN be safe includes reminding them of the dangers and presenting a safe alternative.

I see youve edited your post,but I'll answer your questions.I have raised all 6 specie of composting worms for 39 years now and will never give them up.best livestock anyone could ever have.Our soil is #2 sandy loam with pockets of gray,white and red clay.Never had any chemicals added,and over 8 years of adding E.M.'s various manures and cover crops.Our well is deep and clean,just a little iron and almost correct ph.
as you can see this not my first rodeo.