Florida Man!

No, commercial jets don't recirculate cabin air; it's a single pass system. Most of the time, the air is pumped in at the front and vented in the rear but I don't think that's a hard and fast rule like it was back in the days of smoking on planes.
Hmmm. Not according to this. It looks like they recirculate some of it, but it does go through filters and shit. But I don't know. On another note, my daughter is gonna become a flight attendent soon since we have SouthWest airlines headquarters or whatever here.

That kid needs a good ass whipping!!! These fucking people have taken all the power away from the parents to discipline their kids and this is what you get... Now they want to do therapy to figure out why the kids are doing what they are doing and the answer is that they know that if we as parents put our hands,belt,etc.on them,all they have to do is tell a guidance counselor and they are hauling our asses to jail!!!
That kid needs a good ass whipping!!! These fucking people have taken all the power away from the parents to discipline their kids and this is what you get... Now they want to do therapy to figure out why the kids are doing what they are doing and the answer is that they know that if we as parents put our hands,belt,etc.on them,all they have to do is tell a guidance counselor and they are hauling our asses to jail!!!

That kid might need an ass whipping but I bet you can’t talk those teachers into trying it. Again. J/s.