Florida has big say in primarys


Well-Known Member
raise the sales tax? to waht?

so instead of me gettin my check with the small amount taken out of it, i now have to walk around with a calculator when i go shopping so i can add 17% of everytihng im purchasing to my total?

rasing the sales tax would just increase the cost of everyday goods, depleteing your funds faster than federal taxes ever could


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Join Date: Jan 2008

Posts: 18

Construction workers are having it hard now cuz there is no more work my bro is laid off becuz of this,but jmac what do you think about the health insurance policies and medicare,medicaid,what about the ppl instead,without the ppl there would be no america,most of the ppl who have lost jobs have turned to alternative forms of making money,you catch my drift with alternatvie

maybe tahts why this site has balooned in size since i joined hahaha


Active Member
in my mind reps. are one sided,they see things the way they want to not how it really is. ind. and dems. are two sided they see the good and bad,and most of the time when the dems. and ind. make a decsion there is always two outcomes one may be bad but the backup plans that they have cover up for the bad ,it's the same when they are good


Well-Known Member
again, i must differentiate in the fact that i dont think you can blame any one side. The fuck up is across the board. The founders, philosers and scholars that created the notion of a free country are rolling right now. Then again, these were the same people that believed "all men are created equal", yet held slaves and didnt give woman any rights until years down the line.


Active Member
Bill and hilary was a team when bill was pres.but romney wants to talk the normal trash talk a.k.a slander,if both were back in office economy would be back up


Well-Known Member
the economy was bad when the first bush was in office and it took a democrat to fix the problem,that tells you that dems. are doing something right.
you are so off base on this.
it was a working republican house that "fixed the problem" and president clinton signed it into law.

dems are for higher taxes bigger goverment not lower and smaller.
it once was the working mans party, that was then and this is now.
the dam controlled house is worthless...need to be voted out asap.

and I couldnt state this louder, I hate republicans!!

so you want it in ur ass(dem)or ur mouth(republic)? :-|:hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
i think the bill/hill team would be a pretty good outcome. the experiance is there, and the politic is there. If she did get it, then congress would probly go Rrepublican, due to the backlash of her being a democrat and the diehard rep's out there voicing their thoughts.

This in my opinion, would keep a good balance of power (as it should be). The only thing iw ould be worried about was the two sides (pres. and congress) bickering more than working. As we saw towards the end of bush's terms.

And Jmac and all other reps, bush did nothing good for our economy. All those tax breaks went to the richest, created debt. This drawn out war (everyones fault) HUGE debt. Everyone owning houses and cars they cant afford, HUGE national debt. Most of this debt is being held by foreign investors, so all this american money is in the hands of people on other continents and not in the hands or pockets of ordinary americans like us. Nothing good for the economy, not that anyones pointed out to me anyways


Well-Known Member
I reiterate my prior statements.

registering independant haha.

whoever is the most truthful, smartest, more able person should get the vote. not the best dem or best rep


Well-Known Member
joeproe, i always noticed ur avatar's two set's of eyes, but only just now, after a wake-n-bake gorilla finger, i noticed it had two mouths too. has it always been like that?


Well-Known Member
It isn't so black and white as Repubs good Dems bad, jmac. Why then have we accumulated the largest debt in out history under the current president. Somebody has to pay that back. Think about it. I believe there should be no Federal income tax, that's why I'm voting for Ron Paul (one of the many reasons, actually). Because, if he gets elected he will cut government spending dramatically. That is the only way the country can survive with little or no taxes. The rest of the Republicans are idiots. They want to spend money like a democrat but tax less, continuing to drive the national debt to astronomical numbers. Somebody has to pay that back, think about it.


Well-Known Member
whats up blaze, Ron paul would my first vote but its very possiable he may not win all though I thought he did good at the debate last nightI started this thread so we could all come together and figure something out make our voice count and then I was atacked by demacrats who want to take all our money


Well-Known Member
whats up blaze, Ron paul would my first vote but its very possiable he may not win all though I thought he did good at the debate last nightI started this thread so we could all come together and figure something out make our voice count and then I was atacked by demacrats who want to take all our money
Whats up, jmac. LoL yeah man, this political forum gets out of control...I like the Republicans for having better financial policies. But, that's about it. The bad outweighs the good, imo. Except for Ron Paul, of course:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
but if ron cuts spending what will he cut? arent his educational stances taht the majority of children should be homeschooled? or something to the effect? I read through his site and some of it seemed kinda out there