Florida growing? Any tips for the new guy?


Active Member
I am new to growing and really excited. I have ten plants that I started outdoors. They are about three inches tall and have four leaves each. When should I put them in the ground? Do I have to worry about them getting too much rain? I am new so all input is great. thanks and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Are they in pots at the moment? If so you might just want them to get a little stronger before you transplant them. And if you dont want you plant to get overwatered keep them in pots with good drainage. Ex. Perlite, and make sure there are drainage holes under the pots


Active Member
Thanks. Right now they are all in one big pot. I planned on getting those paperlike pots that you can put directly in the ground. Right now they are easy to bring inside if they get a heavy rain.


Well-Known Member
Woah 10 plants in 1 pot....Just transplant them before they get too big for the pot. They'll end up killing eachother if you leave them in the same pot for too long.


New Member
surf the web for "accelerator pots". you can get trays of 32. They are great because each unit is separate from the others, so if you want to move up one and not the other, you wont disturb anybody. seed them out in those and then transplant to 1 gallons after the 3rd or 4th true leaf sets. The more you disturb them, the more stress. Better to move them just once. You can even seed directly into 1 gallons and be done with it. If you have good seed, no problem. Just a thought.