Florida Growers Thread

I have grown twice, last year. From Jan-Apr. then from may-sept. 4 plants final each time. Those were in my back yard in containers. There wasnt much rain then. I know that flooding is possible, but i dont think it will be a prob. i want to have 5-7 ft tall plants and harvest at least a qp from each plant. From march-sep. do you think thats possible?
all i can say is it will prolly work if you plant on some high ground and feed them if you can i dont know if they'll get that big with out regular feedings and FYI outdoor waste bag's can make a good BIG ghetto container i double bag
No sir in the ground. I do bring in my own soil. most sand ridges will not have standing water very long. It drains off pretty quick so when we get all the rain u will not have to worry about the roots staying saturated
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Ok I just seen this show on about the history of drugs in america. They said their was this pill called marijuana tablets and it was a pain reliever that was just marijuana roots compressed into tablets. How is this I thought the thc and cannabinoids were formed up in the plant not in the roots? I want to make some tablets and try a couple when I get a headache.
Wow, i have heard of thc pills(prescription), and heard of people who use hydroponic systems with the pills but i didnt believe them, im wondering if these are the same pills. And Ive heard of this too... People using cocaine in the watering system? has any one else heard that?
Wow, i have heard of thc pills(prescription), and heard of people who use hydroponic systems with the pills but i didnt believe them, im wondering if these are the same pills. And Ive heard of this too... People using cocaine in the watering system? has any one else heard that?

I use to make cannabutter pills all the time. I made extremely high potency butter, and packed it in little capsules. I tell you what, 3 of those bad boys and I was set :bigjoint:

Its good fun to make too.....enjoy guys ;)
A couple of pics of my harvest today.

Damn dude. What strain is that colorful one (pic #3)? I thought you only get to see the nice colors in colder climates. But if you grew that in regular Florida temps, I gotta get that. I've always wanted a nice, colorful plant.
well guys going to get soil this weekend. for you outdoor growers i know a sucessful technique u might want to hear. i take about five 5 gal buckets and i take a drill and drill 1/8th holes about 15 to 20 of them. i find some dime size pebbles and fill up the first 2 or 3 inches of the botttom (you should put your holes low enough so the rocks cover the holes within the three inches) then i take a catfish and throw it in the bucket. then i take 50 percent soil and 50 percent native dirt and mix it in the bucket. (in florida the brown native dirt has high amounts of sand and helps with drainage in the summer months) at this point i plant my seeds. i plant 3 or 4 seeds in each bucket. properly spaced. when the plants show sex remove the males and you might have 2 per bucket if your lucky. then i find my spot(s) in the woods or wherever and dig a hole and drop my bucket in it. the best part about the fish in the bucket is is that it feeds it for its whole grow. i also add fertilizer as recomended. the best part about this is that for any reason you have a privacy issue or you realize your plants dont get enough sun or whatever the reason its very easy to just remove bucket and move. its better than goin out in the woods in the middle of the night with a shovel and a bucket or whatever. instead i can remove the plant in thirty seconds. when i bury the bucket i bury it to ground level just to hide it that much better. so yea good growing guys.
Just ordered some AK-48's off Nirvana. It'll be my first AF grow. Here is a shot of my set-up. Hopefully I'll be getting an HPS soon, but for now this set-up should do. :bigjoint:


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