Florida Growers Thread


New Member
Then you found no answers either :mrgreen:

One of the inherent quixotic problems of the internet. Tons of information, but also tons of misinformation.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
FLIR is very sensitive to changes in head, however it supposedly is very easy to fool with proper insulation, good sealing, and finally running lights during the day when your house is hot anyway... Think about it on average in Florida your attic is going to be running anywhere from 90 - 140 degrees depending on your insulation, roof ventilation, and a few other factors like tree cover over the roof.

Running lights at night will make the room hotter, but not necessarily the attic or roof top. If you're concerned about it you could try this "Make your own FLIR" I don't guarantee that this will be as sensitive as cop FLIR systems but it should give you a decent idea of if you're leaking light or heat out of your room.

Also watch this vid, "FLIR bust" the video clearly shows that the windows are the weak point in their op. Would they have gotten busted had they properly sealed their windows? I personally would have caulked a 'black board' behind some cheap blinds to prevent light from escaping, then put the highest rated insulation I could find (R30 is GREAT, if you can afford to have someone 'butter' with R30+ foam even better) in the remaining window frame, put up a 'fake wall' over the entire existing wall, completely seal it with joint compound, and finally then wrap the whol thing in the thickest reflective material I could find (I hear panda film is excellent for defeating FLIR.) As a 'double check' you could double wrap the room with a dual sided material like panda film with white facing out and black in and then white in black out.

Also you could use FLIR to your advantage. If you don't have an existing grow op call a home inspection company and ask them to do a FLIR diagnostic of your house. They will be able to go through and tell you where insulation is failing, not installed, or incorrectly installed. Having them 'pre tour' your grow room might save you some leakage of IR before you even set up. Fix the problems in the house construction and then address over doing it.

Just some thoughts. I have read, but not verified for myself, that Florida considers FLIR an invasion of privacy and it is no longer a valid 'reason' to get a search warrant. I haven't verified this yet but it's been mentioned several times on this board.



New Member
I've heard the same thing about Flir and search warrants in Florida RT76, but me thinks once they get a positive on a house, they just "make up" another reason to knock on the door. I mean once they know, they are not going to simply leave you alone, the Flir just won't be mentioned. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
warrants! thats funny as hell! In Duval county someone cn just tell the crackers (police) That you are growing and they will wait outside your house for you to ome outside and then grab you and say they smelled it and come in and search. It happened to my friend last year. you do still need to watch the heat and light bill but anyone including your friends knowing what and where your growing will get you in fed prison quicker than anything. oh yea, FUCK THE POLICE!


New Member
Most of all crimes are solved by either confession or someone blabbing. The percentage of crimes actually solved by true investigative techniques must be very small. It's not like cops have a high IQ or anything, more like the opposite.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Most of all crimes are solved by either confession or someone blabbing. The percentage of crimes actually solved by true investigative techniques must be very small. It's not like cops have a high IQ or anything, more like the opposite.

out. :blsmoke:
tru dat crackerjax! police are stupid as fuck! keep your mouth shut and you will be strait. p.s. fuck yal snitch ass ho's yal know who yal are!


Well-Known Member
There was a study done that showed every 1 in 4 males that live in an urban neighborhood was an informant for the 5.0. Sucks for me cause I live right in the middle of the 'hood. But as long as I keep my mouth shut and only really run it on RIU then hopefully I'll have no worries.


Well-Known Member
WOW! That's fuckin crazy! just shows u that u gotta keep your mouth shut and don't let anyone know where u grow! That being said...I'm about to move back to DUUUUVALLLLL!! [Houses R cheaper] and would like to know what the prices look like for a O? and what are the most popular strains in demand?? Oh, and snictes R bicthes!!! 1 to da head & 1 to da mouth!:evil:

warrants! thats funny as hell! In Duval county someone cn just tell the crackers (police) That you are growing and they will wait outside your house for you to ome outside and then grab you and say they smelled it and come in and search. It happened to my friend last year. you do still need to watch the heat and light bill but anyone including your friends knowing what and where your growing will get you in fed prison quicker than anything. oh yea, FUCK THE POLICE!


Well-Known Member
Now thats a nice trout.And damn man are you growing for a year supply:hump:
yeah, it was a really great fish...i had a great day, couple small redfish, couple large shit ladyfish, 2 small grouper, not sure what kind but they put up a hell of a fight! and hopefully! jk...its gonna be my last grow in my current residence and it's gotta last! it's not gonna be that much though, half will be males and some will produce less than an oz cause it's 12/12 the whole grow...i'm excited to be trying a method of growing that i've never attempted, should be fun...