Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Ok so check this out, got 2 nice trees(being key word). They are the biggest have ever had. One has pink hairs, the other one is still getting taller and dont know why. It has to stop, this one isnt as far along in flowering process as the other one(possibly more sativa-ish). And one bad thing is that there is some light that gets to them at night, they are in nature but there are some electric light that reaches them at nighttime period. Dont have a light meter but i would predict it being 1-2 out of ten. Its not alot and they seem fine, except the one that is still producing linear growth. Got a question about ants and basically just wanna know if they are harming the roots?


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would move it. it only takes one candle watt to mess up flowering. so if its getting light all night from the street light ya need to move it. also the ants dont harm the plant but their excretions do. when the ant poops around the roots their poop is very acidic and you will have a lot of problems with the ph. so yea i would move it to get it in darkness and away from ants


Well-Known Member
by the way last night i made shroom tea and i was freaking beyond fucked up. one of my peoples was talkin to the wall and thinking it was a play do world. i regret it. it was so much stronger than when i remember doing it when i was like 17 and 18 yrs old. it was mostly purple ringers


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would move it. it only takes one candle watt to mess up flowering. so if its getting light all night from the street light ya need to move it. also the ants dont harm the plant but their excretions do. when the ant poops around the roots their poop is very acidic and you will have a lot of problems with the ph. so yea i would move it to get it in darkness and away from ants
Sure must be a bitch for all them schwag growers when the moon is out.... this is one of the most overspread myths on RIU, besides the one about not cutting off leaves or branches. Plants in nature make it just fine through full moon cycles, why do you think a far off electric light would harm them when one is obviously flowering? Surely they are two different strains, which seems obvious from the op. And moving his plant won't get it away from ants. They'll be in the root ball silly :)

The ants will not mess with your roots, they are aerating the soil, HOWEVER, it is likely they are there for another food source that very well may harm your plants. Inspect carefully your plants for signs of aphids or leaf borers.

Good luck. Oh, you could try bending the tall one and staking the top down.


Well-Known Member
Leaf borers = leaf miners? I got some in my lemon and orange tree and cant get rid of them fuckers. Its driving me nuts as i plugged off most of the leaves i seen them in.


Well-Known Member
Sure must be a bitch for all them schwag growers when the moon is out.... this is one of the most overspread myths on RIU, besides the one about not cutting off leaves or branches. Plants in nature make it just fine through full moon cycles, why do you think a far off electric light would harm them when one is obviously flowering? Surely they are two different strains, which seems obvious from the op. And moving his plant won't get it away from ants. They'll be in the root ball silly :)

The ants will not mess with your roots, they are aerating the soil, HOWEVER, it is likely they are there for another food source that very well may harm your plants. Inspect carefully your plants for signs of aphids or leaf borers.

Good luck. Oh, you could try bending the tall one and staking the top down.
Yea i was pretty sure that it the amount of light wasnt harming them cuz both these plants look healthy and not stunted at all, except for quite a good amount of leaves dying, im pretty sure its a fertilizer issue and i use rainwater saved in tin buckets which is pretty good i think. Yea, have a few ties already in place and been adding and adjusting some. I had already read up on the aphids and the ants, how the ants are like a harborer and aid for aphids because the aphids excrete some type of sweet dew that the ants like. And yes one is more indicaish and the taller is def more sativaish but has cross leaves like 60/40 maybe. the more indicaish one smells so sweet, and looks cool with its hot vibrant pink hairs lol. and i also had a few thoughts about photosynthesis and natural light occurrences at night, like lightning and full moons other random phenomenons. I need to start more threads, i have read picked up so much knowledge and there needs to be some more interesting threads on here anyways.. :mrgreen: :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
well i smoked my premature plant yesterday that the rain killed last week and it was so premature and small buds i only got a bowl. the buds were sprinkled with light trichomes very clear. but damn it got me so high i didnt have to smoke the rest of the day. i cant wait till the other four are ready in a month and im smokin one now for page 420


Yea Had to say whats up on 4-20 page, Cut off a few branches today off of one plant and almost ready to harvest the rest in about a week...Earliest harvest ever in S.Florida for me..I think house Shade tricked em good this year was glad it worked out will post a few pics shortly...Happy Trails..


Well-Known Member
i got two getting chopped today and one that still has about 4 weeks. the one with 4 weeks left is lookin really good


Active Member
I am looking forward to sampling some of this years harvest. Not as much rain this year like last year. There was a news report of some guy hauling his harvest that stop to get a coffee with fresh buds in the car. Now that's a lesson on just plain dumb.


Well-Known Member
bout 6 weeks of flowering for me.. at least. what kind of strains you guyz got out there?

the bud i get is never really name brand but over summer i started getting alot LA confidential and Berry

anybody down to hook me up with some clones?! haha