Florida Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks FC...:razz:

The 2 BC White Widows were moms for a year... flowered.. re-vegged.. and now are flowering for the second time... IN THE SAME 5 INCH POT FROM DAY ONE...!!!!

How's that for "rootbound conspiracy theories"..?!?!?! :o


Active Member
whats up, whats up, whats up FLA!! Lets make this the next CALI!!! haha where I live, theres about 4 grow house a month getting busted!! Do your thing, but keep it tight lipped! Get out and vote for you gov. and state reps to help yourself!


Well-Known Member
Long time no visit (this thread). Good to see it still going strong, it's getting warmer around here fellas, I hope you guys have got all your ventilation and cooling needs met for a hot summer. A small 8,000 btu portable air conditioner is going into my tent pretty soon, lets hope it does the trick when it's 100 degrees outside this summer! :)


Well-Known Member
Long time no visit (this thread). Good to see it still going strong, it's getting warmer around here fellas, I hope you guys have got all your ventilation and cooling needs met for a hot summer. A small 8,000 btu portable air conditioner is going into my tent pretty soon, lets hope it does the trick when it's 100 degrees outside this summer! :)
got a 10k btu unit on craigslist a couple of winters ago used it and sold it in the summer for more than i paid haha


Active Member
OK Florida, let me ask one question. What the fuck?

Why are we allowing a bill like HB187 to go unannounced?
Hopefully some of you know what im talking about, but for those that dont, I have some bad news for you. Our state is already considered to be "10 years behind" but damn, we are working ourselves backwards. There is a house bill in works, and willl be voted on soon, and it WILL pass. We need to make DAMN SURE Charlie Crist veto's this. What does the bill say? Heres a snippet...

"Retail Sales of Smoking Pipes and Devices [CPSC]: Prohibits retail sales of certain smoking pipes and smoking devices under certain circumstances. Specifies criteria for the lawful sales of such items. Provides a criminal penalty for unlawful sales of such items.
Effective Date: 07/01/2010"

The bill states that all sale of glass pipes/bongs will be ILLEGAL in the state of florida. BUT, our fantastic state has made a exception, because they are so kind. ;)

As a shop owner, to keep selling your bongs and pipes, you only have to do one little thing for the state. 75% tobacco products. Yes, thats right. Tobacco.

If your "headshop" if you will, sells at least 75% tobacco products, you will be permitted to sell glass pipes. Are you FUCKING KIDDING? Do you guys know Florida has recently imposed a 85% tax on tobacco?

Do the math.....75% tobacco products.....85% tax on all those products....wait...whats the word im looking for.....ah...yes.... extortion.

Do we make liquor stores sell 75% alcohol to sell beer mugs and wine glasses? Do we require gun stores to sell 75% weapons, JUST to sell the holsters for them? No.

How are we going to let our state government continuously fuck us? If we are trying to create so many jobs in our state, why would we close hundreds of small businesses?

:wall: Our state is going no where. Please visit http://www.killbill187.com and sign the petition to stop this bill. Please contact representatives and bombard Charlie Crist with letters requesting a veto on this bill.

We need all the help we can get guys, please forward this post to any other forums you may be apart of...

You can also view the bill for yourself here - http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=42417&SessionId=64



Well-Known Member
WOW, jus un-fucking believable! Just like how all those teachers called, wrote bugged, bothered,aggrevaited, and lobbied gov. christ to veto sb6< senate bill 6....we need to do the same thing!!!
I mean seriously people, we couldv'e had MMJ on the nov. ticket...but NOT ENOUGH people signed the petition......so now we have to wait till 2012
I swear people....if we want to be heard or want change, then we need to put people in tallahssassee who WILL DO WHAT WE PUT THEM IN OFFICE FOR!!!


Active Member
WOW, jus un-fucking believable! Just like how all those teachers called, wrote bugged, bothered,aggrevaited, and lobbied gov. christ to veto sb6< senate bill 6....we need to do the same thing!!!
I mean seriously people, we couldv'e had MMJ on the nov. ticket...but NOT ENOUGH people signed the petition......so now we have to wait till 2012
I swear people....if we want to be heard or want change, then we need to put people in tallahssassee who WILL DO WHAT WE PUT THEM IN OFFICE FOR!!!
Yes, everyone please visit this link, and you guys can send a direct email with a message written for you...but I still urge everyone to call Charlie Crists's office.


(850) 488-4441 - Charlie Crists Number

[email protected]



Well-Known Member
thats because we have idiots like rubio and thatcher who were big time lobbyists at one time and have the one track mind of making bad ideas reality because theirs an underlying gain. with senate bill 6 theres an underlying gain for someone to make and thats why its getting pushed through. the problem is as politicians look for any way to gain something they dont care who they throw under the bus. and it might not always be money to be gained sometimes its influential power and balancing funds to certain agencies theres so many things these politicians have to gain for piss poor ideas. then luckily we have a guy like christ ( i might not fully agree with his standing but he does cut out the bullshit) come along and vetos a bill because anyone in their right mind wouldnt approve it. and im not for or against anyone with a political seat. but a good bit of politicians all over the country do things like this and on a single level there are probably even more stuff we dont know about that would get a person like you or me in prison. thank god for democracy haa!


Well-Known Member
didnt rubio get in trouble for using tax money to fuel his jet and take a trip to vacation in hawaii. regardless people like that need to be canned