Flora series and cal mag

Are the ec recommendations on the flora series 3 part feed chart before or after adding cal mag? The recommended dose of cal mag already puts the ec at .8 when the recommended seedling ec is at .5 so once the nutrients are all prepared most of the ec is because of the cal mag and I'm afraid they won't get enough npk. Hope this makes sense. Thank you
What is your starting ec? Sounds like you have hard water to start with perhaps, if so cal mag is probably not needed, go with your base nutes first. Start a bit slow then work your way up to full strength.
Starting EC is 270. And Billy the mountain, I'm growing in coco. My understanding was calmag was pretty important when growing with coco
The Flora trio already has cal mag in it. Read the labels on the back of the bottles, then compare the trio against the cal mag label. Surprised? Cal mag is important when you grow in coco, however your base nutes already contain a good amount, so you don't need a whole lot. I used to mix nutes in 5 gal bucket, I used 5ml total of cal mag and never had an issue when I was running coco.