
My seeds have only been in the ground a few days, and today I woke up to flash flooding. It's been raining ridiculously hard for three hours, is it possble they'll make it?


Well-Known Member
Are the plants/seeds in a gully or some such? If they haven't sprouted, I guess all you can do is wait and see, OR plant more seeds.

In my opinion, it is always better to start your plants in pots, and place them in the ground once they are a foot or more tall.

Pot can handle a lot of water, as long as it will drain away in a few hours.

I hope all is well!

BTW, I've gone out and babysat my plants through some unseasonably strong summer/fall storms. Got very wet, but lost no buds to rain, wind, or mold.
They're not in a gully or anything, and the soil I filled the holes with is pretty much even with the surrounding ground.

... So they should be good?


Active Member
they were still seeds and they were in the ground, you are fine. i had mine in containers no drainage starting off, they had the first leaves and little leaflets with 3 leaves. rained its ass off, they looked pretty good, so i left the water in them. came back a few days later, they were drowning. put them in the ground and now they mysteriously vanished, roots and all. i think bugs, because usually in that situation i will find a withered strand of seedling if they just dried out. its def. bugs. i forgot the name of them, but they are skinny long things that are like worms but they have legs and shell armor i think. brown, and i've seen them on one of these sites before. now i'm all out of seeds and lost 2 week old babies. it was only 3 of them but they were from good seed. i know where not to plant them now though. frikkin bugs must have found those plants so moist and tender and just chowed down. another possibility is i threw a huge shovel chunk of ant hill in the area near where they were. those ants were probably hungry trying to rebuild their home and ate my plants for revenge for digging them up and killing the rest of their family. but maybe they can start eating those other bugs while they're down there.. i think you're alright though. i learned the importance of drainage after this rain. the natural earth drains very well, where it doesnt you will see standing water. so i think you are good, you have the earth for drainage. i had a glass drowning pool.


New Member
I know this thread old as hell but the exact same thing is happening to me. Ive got 7 seedlings in the woods and its been raining for like a day now because of some stupid hurricane andrea. I went to my spot and the river has definately risen. The grounds only soggy by my spot and ive got them tarped. Rains stopping at 6 tonight. My god I hope they make it. 12 more hours. Im gunna check on it first in the morning and im stressing out right now. I pray