Flood Lamps

I asked the question about using just CFL lights and got some great replies. Thank you!

Now I have one more similar question.

Will flood lights 'work' better or just as well as CFL lights? Are they even usable? I have grown seedlings with flood lamps and it seemed to work better than the CFLs.

I pulled them before i got to flowering so i never got a chance. I was more or less testing. Will a flood lamp get me through flowering? If maybe I had 3 lights on one plant?
Again I know HPS are better but if it is not possible to use HPS how will a flood light do VS a CFL?

Any advise is always helpful!


Well-Known Member
im using both and mine are working out pretty well im just using my seedlings in soil before i put them through a hydroponics setup in rock wool and clay or lava rocks