floating cuttings in a fish tank?


Well-Known Member
couldn't one use foam blocks to float cuttings in a running fish tank (with fish, heater, pump etc.)?
Seems the running water would have oxygen and plenty of nutrients to get it going, plus you could keep the fluorescent hood light on for lighting.
I see no reason why this should not work,if there are any kind of carp in there be careful they don't try eating the foam,But very interesting idea,i used to have a fish tank and i saved ever bit of water every 2 week's when i cleaned it out fresh water fish they loved it,the plants.
Also keep us updated interesting threads like this,Be great in a legal situation if you could have a plant growing above it,with the roots in the tank,the fish could use this for cover and the plant would get all it need from the water nutrient wise,The old school dvd sog by hans shows you a simular method but not a fish tank but film of water with polly floating,clones
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Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this as well. My blue lobster ate all the aquatic plants I had. I'm sure he would love the cuttings


Well-Known Member
couldn't one use foam blocks to float cuttings in a running fish tank (with fish, heater, pump etc.)?
Seems the running water would have oxygen and plenty of nutrients to get it going, plus you could keep the fluorescent hood light on for lighting.
Already done, its called Aquaponics.
You'd have to make sure you had a species of fish that didn't like vegetation. Some fish would eat the roots im sure


Well-Known Member
Sorry I scrapped that project. It's too hard to get enough nutrients without harming the fish. The fish did seem happy but seemed a bit small. I put the fish in a bigger tank where i'm sure he liked the extra room. He was king shit in the tank and liked to hide in this decoration. other fish would try to stop by and buy dope off him but he would get all pissed off, flair his gills, and chase them away. He lived a happy life but died from a lengthy battle with ick which came from other fish that were added.

Cloning this works amazing. I had a friend cut a clone and put it in one of those small rockwool plugs. then it was placed in a net pot. there was a perfect opening by the filter on my aquarium so i stick it in there. I put a small desk lamp above it on 24/7. It had no problem at all rooting. I added nothing didnt even check aquarium ph. only the additives for the fish like for their slime coat and stuff to keep the water clean. I can't remember if we Ph'd the rockwool or not before use.

Also you can drop seeds in an aquarium and they will sprout. sometime the seeds float and other times they stay low. I've seen most sprout no problem either way. Once they sprout they only live so long though and need transplanting.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I scrapped that project. It's too hard to get enough nutrients without harming the fish. The fish did seem happy but seemed a bit small. I put the fish in a bigger tank where i'm sure he liked the extra room. He was king shit in the tank and liked to hide in this decoration. other fish would try to stop by and buy dope off him but he would get all pissed off, flair his gills, and chase them away. He lived a happy life but died from a lengthy battle with ick which came from other fish that were added.

Cloning this works amazing. I had a friend cut a clone and put it in one of those small rockwool plugs. then it was placed in a net pot. there was a perfect opening by the filter on my aquarium so i stick it in there. I put a small desk lamp above it on 24/7. It had no problem at all rooting. I added nothing didnt even check aquarium ph. only the additives for the fish like for their slime coat and stuff to keep the water clean. I can't remember if we Ph'd the rockwool or not before use.

Also you can drop seeds in an aquarium and they will sprout. sometime the seeds float and other times they stay low. I've seen most sprout no problem either way. Once they sprout they only live so long though and need transplanting.
That gave me a laugh. Yeah I totally could see how cloning in it would work and I don't think the ph would matter at clone stage. I never ph my water for clones. I use peat plugs and have never not had a clone root :)


Well-Known Member
No reason it can't work. I've cloned just floating cuttings in a tub of water I changed out daily. Takes forever, but it works.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Sorry I scrapped that project. It's too hard to get enough nutrients without harming the fish. The fish did seem happy but seemed a bit small. I put the fish in a bigger tank where i'm sure he liked the extra room. He was king shit in the tank and liked to hide in this decoration. other fish would try to stop by and buy dope off him but he would get all pissed off, flair his gills, and chase them away. He lived a happy life but died from a lengthy battle with ick which came from other fish that were added.

Cloning this works amazing. I had a friend cut a clone and put it in one of those small rockwool plugs. then it was placed in a net pot. there was a perfect opening by the filter on my aquarium so i stick it in there. I put a small desk lamp above it on 24/7. It had no problem at https://www.rollitup.org/t/floating-cuttings-in-a-fish-tank.911644/all rooting. I added nothing didnt even check aquarium ph. only the additives for the fish like for their slime coat and stuff to keep the water clean. I can't remember if we Ph'd the rockwool or not before use.

Also you can drop seeds in an aquarium and they will sprout. sometime the seeds float and other times they stay low. I've seen most sprout no problem either way. Once they sprout they only live so long though and need transplanting.
And there it is! That first line!

In my "extended" area. there is a hydro shop with a big Cichlid (tilapia) tank.....he feeds the fish well and the whole system recycles but, the food given the fish lack things that are needed by the plants he's running (Green peppers). They lack N and micro's in sufficient levels. This is a common problem. Growing Duck Foot in with the fish helps this (another food for the fish) but, you need more like an in ground pool size to have the right amount of spacing for this. Adding synthetic nutrients fucks with the fish and even organics effects them if over used.
In the end the peppers he grows don't produce for shit!

Some years back I saw a story on a guy who bought the local cities old neglected outdoor pool park. HUGE pools! Swimming and diving and a nice wading pool for the kiddies....He took these and made them into a complete connected aquaponic system that he intended to completely feed himself with! If I remember right, he has built a home there along with a small range or pasture field for beef and a few pigs penned by the barn. I don't remember anymore where I saw this - Nat Geo or Mother earth news but it was there. He did it in the southwest US and I later found that he had his MM in there too!

It should be noted that he has a complete biome in those pools. Fish, minnows, water insects and amphibians. Ducks and geese are allowed access to the wadding pool and the shallow end of the main swimming pools (there are plants there for them too). The foul are free to come and go but most raised there, stay there - and he says it is high maint.

I think by diversity alone he covers the plants needs....His plan called for the foul to supplement the fish as far as covering plant nutritional needs too. He did a LOT of learning as he went.

Look it up if it can be found anymore. Rather cool story!
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