Flimsy stem help please

the first original stem of my og kush strain appears to be a little flimsy and weak. The plant is not sagging it just looks like it is not secure. How can I tell if it is indeed too flimsy and what is the best way to strengthen it?


New Member
the best way to strengthen a stem is to have oscilating fans in the grow room. i try not to point them directly at the plants, unless they're smaller fans. i try to 'bounce' the air off the walls to make my ladies dance a bit. grow on!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My OG has weak stems too, think its just the strain

people have lots of crosses now with stronger stems and larger yeilds but not one of them compares to the OG


Well-Known Member
What are you growing under? sometimes plants with weak lighting or too far from the light become weak flimsy and lack vigour.


Well-Known Member
break off a stick support the plant, problem solved. I have to do this to some vegging plants after I top them to get 12 major tops. even a half inch thick stem will bend or pull the roots out of the ground ,


Well-Known Member
Also, If you have a big difference in grow room temperature between your lights off and lights off time the plants will stretch and tend to have weaker stocks. This can be more drastic in certain strains.


Well-Known Member
Viney and floppy growth is typical of a lot of OGs, some sort of support is usually neccessary like trellis net, tomato cage or bamboo stakes or the branches will start collapsing when they get some bud weight.


Well-Known Member
Viney and floppy growth is typical of a lot of OGs, some sort of support is usually neccessary like trellis net, tomato cage or bamboo stakes or the branches will start collapsing when they get some bud weight.
Yes, this is definitely true of the OG. I've been growing it for about 6 years. Some tips that can help you strengthen OG's grow structure are:
1-run your veg metal halide bulbs longer than normal into flowering for the first two weeks of flower or until you start seeing buds starting to form, then switch them to the HPS bulbs. This will help keep the internodal spacing closer together and grows more squat, stronger limb plants.
2.-keep your night time (lights off time) and daytime (lights on time) temperatures close together with not more than a 5 degree differnce in ambient room temp. This will also create a tighter internode spacing and a squatter, stronger plant.
3.-Use a silicate additive early in veg growth. This will strengthen the plants cell walls.
4.-keep your metal halide lights/shades down low on your vegging plants to promote a stronger more squat plant growth
5.-keep constant air movement in the room. This encourages stronger stock/stem growth