Flavoured bong water


Active Member
alright Ive tried juice sachets and what not and they dont work but recently i come across Essence's like the common one vanilla essence but there are more like raspberry essence caramel, spear mint, strawberry,lemon and heaps more give it ago just poor enough in until you can taste it , may take a bit depending on how much water you have


Pickle Queen
Anyone remember that drink called Orbit, had the little balls of gummy shit inside, damn that stuff was fun to watch and it did taste quite yummy.


Well-Known Member
Variety is the spice of life. When you smoke all day every day, a change in flavor is nice from time to time.
I do smoke all day everyday, and I could smoke schwag unflavored if that's all I had. I can't even get seedy bud anymore though, being in a green state.