flavoring your plant


Well-Known Member
a great way to flavour your smoke is to smoke through a bong! just fill ya bong with anything, orange, vodka, blackcurrent......... the worlds your oyster
Use Jack Daniels and drink it after. If you can find a shop that sell shisha/nargule, they will sell flavourings specially made for water pipes.


Well-Known Member
use zig zags we are all here because we dont want ne thing to do with babylons acid of a smoke(nicotene).....spliff...take a whif and enjoy the taste of ganjah u grew


Well-Known Member
zig zag keeps marijuana illegal

but what i was really asking, not how to flavor my smoke, but to put things in the soil such as fruit scraps, or coffee grounds, essential oils... anything that will make the herb smell or taste a certain way, not alter it or make it inorganic.


Well-Known Member
i think maybe pissing in the soil of your plants my flavour it, why dont you test it then tell us your results


Well-Known Member
I am curious about this, and have no experience at this, but... Lets say if you were using one of those rubbermade drying boxes right, and every day durring the drying period you threw in a bunch of orange peals or something, would that flavor it? Or maybe just throw a couple of the orange peels or straqbrry slices in the mason jar when you are cureing the plant?

I've done that sort of thing to rehydrate dry weed, and the flavor seemed to carry over, but it may cause problems durring the curing and what not.


Well-Known Member
Orande juice is an acid.... acidity lowers ph... Nuff said.
If anything after harvest ad some orange peels to your bag jar what ever. also make sure they aren't to moist or you can cause mold issues. When people say they have orange crush and it smells like oranges its not orange crush but orange peels!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Lets say if you were using one of those rubbermade drying boxes right, and every day durring the drying period you threw in a bunch of orange peals or something, would that flavor it? Or maybe just throw a couple of the orange peels or straqbrry slices in the mason jar when you are cureing the plant?
Adding things like this to the drying process will elevate the opportunity for mold.