looks nice so far just got a few girls into flower cant wait for those to start flowering but gonna be a few days. keep it up like the journal when u post <3
Nice score on the negotiations. I just traded some of my space for my girls "sewing area", for a spot to put males. I'm glad things are going well, hope you and your people are staying safe!
Triple Whammy looks incredible ... who's the breeder?
Shit man, this might not be as uniform a canopy as last grow but everything in there looks like juicy hand grenades...no shame in that game.
Couple years ago I tried to barter the wife for the closet in the study, her response was something like "you get the hundred acres outside, I get my 8 square feet for MY stuff..." Guess I can't argue with that...no new bud till October for me.
Have a great day, stay safe out there
Looking good Buford!...and looking very close! What week are you in?
Ohhh!.. we're really close to each other... like within days! Wanna swap come harvest time?Today is Day 47.