Flashlight effecting flowering?


Well-Known Member
So I started flowering about a week ago and the girl isn't showing any signs of sex... Could the problem be that Im going in during the dark hours with a flashlight when I water? (The lights are off during the day) Would this be enough to disturb the cycle?


Well-Known Member
It could, do you have a green filter on the light? I use a head lamp when I go in during down time, and so I just got some of that colored plastic used for a projector, and attached it to the light...Works well. I also put another filter over a clip on light, that has a CFL in it...I hope this helps..

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
So I started flowering about a week ago and the girl isn't showing any signs of sex... Could the problem be that Im going in during the dark hours with a flashlight when I water? (The lights are off during the day) Would this be enough to disturb the cycle?
Absolutely. Your confusing the fuck out of it.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
From the way I understand it, and please someone correct me if I am wrong, the plant starts producing a hormone signaling it's life will soon be up due to the shortening days (technically longer nights). Thus the circle of life says we must reproduce to continue existence and a female will start producing pistils and the male will produce pollen. If light hits the plant it will stop producing these hormones because they only produce at night. This is why it is so critical to not disturb their slumber so in my opinion, yes any amount of light is bad.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
oops I left out the part about if you do disturb the dark you are not just missing out on the bud growth for the short time they are lit, you can really just count that night as a wash.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I just know from my past experience, I would go in my grow room also to water them when the lights would go off and never had any problems.....so what you're saying can and is prolly very true but I never had it happen to me....so I guess tis better safe than sorry anyhow

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
why do you water when the lights go off?

I have heard it is more beneficial to water in the morning (in your case when lights come on). The point behind it being the plants start a good long day with a nice fresh watering. The plants don't use much water at night because they are sleeping.

I grow hydro so it isn't my area but I do a lot of yardwork/gardening around my house and thats what all the pros have told me. They say watering in the morning is way more beneficial for your yard so I would imagine this is true for all plants.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Well for myself, I never had a specific time to water...when it comes to growing bro, Im lazy....I dont do things like so called experts do.....water at this time, plant with this fert, use these nutes, flower with this light etc.......and I have grown some amazing dank......so I guess if you really want to know the real answers, I cant give them to you....I started up a new grow in indoor growing thats 5 day old seedlings......My grow room is not an elaborate setup. It is nothing more than a spare bedroom with a fan blowing in through the window as circulation and thats about it....nothing really special:hump: